Chapter Seven Part 8

Start from the beginning

"Where did you come from?" She said it, like he had come out of a box.

He smiled, "From home, I heard what happened at the doctor, yesterday. So I am here to offer my help."

She frowned, "How exactly did you hear that?" As she said it, it occurred to her that the feeling of being watched, was because she was being watched. She looked accusing at him. "You're spying on me?"

He looked guilty, but quickly recovered. "Not exactly, I was just keeping an eye on you, so I could help if needed."

Lydia stood back, "Now you are here you better come in." She would not even under torture admit she was glad to see him.

He quickly stepped in and closed the door. "So how are you now? You look tired and worn out?"

Lydia rallied, "I just need a little rest that is all." She sat down at the table, because she suddenly felt faint. Leon followed her example and sat down opposite her. Lydia could not help feeling, he was only worried about the babies.

Almost like he could hear her thoughts, he leaned forward and said, "I am worried about you, not just the babies."

Lydia's eyes filled up with tears. "You really mean that?" He grabbed both her hands in his, they were so cold.

"Yes I mean it; I really want to look after you." They were sharing a rare moment, when her doorbell rang. He stood up,

"Let me do it, are you expecting any one?"

She shook her head, and he opened the door. Outside on the doorstep Ross stood with his arms full of roses; he looked around Leon and said,

"Dear Lydia, I have heard the news, so I am bringing you roses to cheer you up." Leon's face was like carved in stone, he just moved away. Lydia slowly stood up, she was well aware what it looked like to Leon, but Ross was a friend, she smiled.

"Hello Ross that was very nice of you." She took all the roses with some difficulty, "You could have done it without buying all the roses in town."

He blushed, "Well you deserve them all." Lydia put them all in the sink, and turned around. "Leon this is Ross, a friend of mine, Ross Leon is the father of my children."

She sat down, she could only hope everyone would be civilised. Both men stood still, and then Ross stepped backwards, looking confused, "I better get going". He stopped on the door step and said, "See you later Lydia dear." Then he closed the door. Leon turned towards her.

"A friend? Who showers you with roses? He obviously wants to be more than a friend." He sat down again, feeling foolish for trusting her.

Lydia was upset; she looked him in the eyes, and said slowly. "I mean a friend, nothing more."

Leon wondered if she really believed that herself, he had seen how the other man had looked at Lydia. He said very slowly,

"I think I believe you, but Lydia, he wants you, trust me."

Lydia was angry, she was sure he was wrong, but what if he wasn't? She huffed, "We are not married, and I can have friends."

Leon decided enough was said about that subject. Maybe he was making mountains out of molehills?

"Will you let me take you to dinner in town."?

Lydia felt relieved, he had believed her. "Yes that would be lovely." And suddenly she felt at ease with him again.

He grinned, his whole face lightening up. "Great let us go." He opened the door for her, and she went out. They took his Land Cruiser, and found a little Indian restaurant, that smelled heavenly. Lydia realised she was starving, and started with some poppadums. Leon saw it, and thought, she needs looking after, it was a big job to eat for three. They had Butter chicken with fragrant rice, and more poppadums. They shared a large bottle of mineral water, and finished with Jasmin tea. He used the pleasant surroundings to tell her, she could live in his house; he could fly her to Darwin hospital, whenever she needed it. She was welcome to stay six month or more. The babies would need her.

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