WattPad Extras: Interview with Cast and Crew A.

Start from the beginning

"You've thought about this a lot haven't you?" said James.

"As an author I see at the nature of science fiction to question humans roles and interactions with technology." said RK.

"Reb how have you found dystopian writing a first for you?" said James looking at Reb.

"Well as RK said it's difficult to get the balance right. Comedy torture is difficult to do poor Jenny was in the KCK torture chamber for days trying to get it right. We often thought about dropping the whole chapter. Jenny was very brave and we ended up making a classic scene or that's how it feels." said Reb.

"Reb another question to you. It's Dycomsirom where is the ROM? 21 chapters so far and not much of a sign of the eponymous hero?" said James.

"Well the romance between Kayla and Joe is developing. There is clearly a bond of affection there and it plays out later. The eponymous hero is coming, we do want him to be the ultimate inaccessible bad boy and RK is very keen to stick to the well ideas of Dystopian Comedy SciFi Romace genre." said Reb as James nodded.

"RK we are running out of time here. Are you big on recycling characters introduced in earlier chapters?" asked James.

"Within reason. Minor characters in novels are cheap."

"So are people like Principle Humbolt, Araneae, 8833, Nurse 911 going to appear again?" James asked.

"Well we are trying to write a very watt pad novel. this means interacting with the audience and allowing them to influence the flow of future events. We have an ending and to get to that ending we do use people we spend a lot of space introducing early on the book. That's not to say what people comment on might make us rewrite and change the outcome"

"So you think may be a hobo giving colour to an earlier section might not come back as a significant character in his own right later on" said James the Hobo.

"Well" said RK looking a bit uncomfortable "we said you could do the interviews..."

"but you know the Hobo might turn up later in the book for some reason saving the day or something. " said James.

"Look I'm the author your the imaginary character I out rank you. I'm not going to be dictated to by incidental characters" said RK abruptly.

"What I think RK means is James is we have to let the book go were it needs to" said Reb

"Well Arabella Figg in Harry potter started off as a mention in the first book and she got a whole pivotal part later" James said.

"That was in a later book" said RK

"So finally RK what's this about you killing off your lead characters in books that don't do well?" said James as RK raised his eye brows.

"I don't know what you mean" said RK.

"Well in answer to @LyndseyLewellen s question 'what is your main characters worst fear' on the science fiction community boards you said 'She fears being a contented erotic plaything...Most of all she secretly fears that her author(s) are known to kill off lead characters in his+her books which don't get read much." James read from his notes.

Reg turned to RK. "RK you can't go round threatening our lead character in public"

"It was a joke. The book is a satire. We threaten her in the book all the time. The whole chapter on level 42 was about putting her in danger. If that scene had gone wrong it would have blown her head off. The escape scene is equally dangerous."

"Yes but the the audience knows she's going to figure out a way past it, and I noticed you couldn't resist getting a bit of GirlxGirl, how do the english say, snogging in it." said Reb.

"It was funny"

"Yes but if she finds out she might suddenly get very hard to write. Characters don't like moving towards their certain doom. You said your self we are writing serial fiction the readers get to help influence events, you can't walk round treating her like this"

"She's my character I can do what I like to her. The whole killing off comment was a joke. Any way we could magically resurrect her or something" said RK.

"No you idiot don't tell her that, thats what writers say to characters they want to kill off so they don't fuss. Don't worry dear, you'll get magically resurrected like Gandalf in Lord of the rings in a few chapters. Now play the scene like your really going to die. Any way R.K don't say you don't kill big characters off, I've read the unpublished drafts of Crimson Empire."

"I don't like red shirts OK! Any way there are three lead women in that book" said R.K defensively.

"It's not about not liking red shirts. It's about not scaring your lead character because you think it's funny. How do you think she's going to be able to deliver any good jokes knowing the next time she's in danger it could be her last." said Reb

"Well we are going to have to not tell her or something.." said RK.

"Well that's all the time we have." said James looking out of the page. "That was full and frank interview with RK Adams and when Rebecca Morow" .

"Moreau" Reb corrected.

"Moreau authors of I'm a Cyborgs Pet. the WattPad phenomena that everybody is talking about. Join us next time when I will be interviewing lead characters Jenny, Joe and Kayla."


I put this back and if anyone says not I'll punch them - Reb

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