Chapter 24: After Sasuke - Sound V.S Leaf

Start from the beginning

"Damn it Naruto, don't rush ahead of the group!" I finally snapped before quickly recomposing myself. "I mean, please. I wouldn't want you to step on that trip wire ahead of you."

"I know, I know, watch me avoid it," said Naruto.

"You better not trigger it," Kiba threatened. I analyzed the wire when I saw another one hidden in front of the first. I opened my mouth to say something but Naruto interrupted me.

"I know," said Naruto stepping over the wire.

"Naruto wait!" Shikamaru yelled.


"Stop," Shikamaru ordered, quickly using his shadow possession Jutsu to stop Naruto in mid step. I sighed and grabbed Naruto by his clothes and quickly pulled him back. "Just in time."

"Dammit Naruto! I told you to watch it!" Kiba scolded.

"One of the wires is intentionally made visible from reflecting rays, but the other wire is camouflaged in green. It's difficult to detect with the naked eye," I explained.

"Well made trap for a rushed job, but this only mean," Shikamaru began.

"They are resting, either they are wounded or it's a trap," said Neji before preforming his Byakugan. "Caught them." Ew all those veins are so gross.

"Alright!" Naruto yelled. "Let's go bring Sasuke back!"

"Naruto, sorry, but now it's my turn to show off my trick," said Kiba.

"Mine too," Chouji agreed.

"Don't be hasty, as soon as I get my strategy laid down, we'll engage our target," ordered Shikamaru.

Kiba don't miss the timing when you use the smoke bomb," said Shikamaru, getting a firm "Roger" from Kiba. "Alright, let's split into two squads. Naruto, Chouji, and Kiba. Then Neji, Sana, and I."


"Hmph," said Neji his Byakugan activated. "It seems like Sasuke is within that coffin."

"Is he dead?!" Shikamaru asked.

"Just because he said coffin doesn't mean he's dead," I muttered just at a perfect whisper. "It's a sort of barrier surrounding the coffin, and it's probably difficult for even Neji-san to see through."

"Yes, but I doubt they'd kill Sasuke in such a hurry, considering how much they wanted him," Neji continued, and Shikamaru nodded.

"Yeah, you're right," he said, my eyes widened as I saw the paper-bomb on the tree and I jumped far back as a kunai came at us, diving straight into the paper-bomb on the tree . Neji and Shikamaru caught on barely a little too late but managed to avoid any real injury. I however was perfectly fine on the tree branches.

"Eh, what's this?" Asked one of the ninja, it was a woman with silver hair and a strange outfit with a kind of giant bead belt around her. All of them seemed to be wearing it. "Poked the bush and got two bugs instead of rabbits." Her eyes trailed up to me, "And a bird escaping from danger."

Hey, can't deny that.

"Hey wait! Wait!" Yelled Shikamaru. "We're not here to fight! We came to negotiate!" Shikamaru smirked a bit as Naruto and Kiba preformed their duo ambush with smoke bombs.

"What are these?!" Yelled one of the Sound ninja. His hair was in a pony tail that kinda resembled Shikamaru's. "Haha! Is that a smoke bomb? There's no escape from me. These strings are thinner than wires, but also stronger and harder to detect. I've laid these all over that area." Kiba and Naruto tripped over the wires. I jumped down not feeling comfortable in the trees.

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