Chapter 2: Stalking Sasuke

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      I frowned to myself for the tenth time today. I still didn't have any way of just making Sasuke hear me out or look at my way without having me shove him in a river or something (which he ended up doing to me). I didn't mind if he rejected my request, but if he would just listen without pushing me into the river.

      I had a few stupid plans, but they all seemed to fail in my head. Hell, they didn't even make since in my head...

      Plan number one was to train a lion to scare him into doing what I want. That wouldn't work for obvious reasons, one being, where was I gonna get a lion, and second, if I can't be a ninja what makes me think I can train one. So that idea was pushed out of my head as fast as it came. It wasn't as if I would have enough time to train a lion anyway.

      I sunk my head further into my hands, before looking up slightly more hopeful.

      I could stalk him all around the village until he agrees to tutor me. I sunk down again. I didn't have the stomach for such a stupid idea. I brought my head up again. It might work, Uchiha-san sounds like he likes his privacy, so he wont like some girl being his silent shadow.

      It was the best I had got... I was kind of scared of lions anyway.

      I groaned and threw my head into my fist. It was going to be so embarrassing. I groaned once again. He might file a restraining order against me!

      But I had to do it...I hoped he didn't shove me into a river again...


      Target: Uchiha Sasuke

      Intent: Tormentation

      I sighed to myself. So far I had been following Sasuke for over five minutes, and he hasn't looked at me once. I was bored. I suppose my patience was lacking, but Sasuke was so boring. Did he even have friends. The kid had absolutely no social life. I didn't either, but at least I have a dog.

      "Stop following me," he finally hissed, and I perked up in triumph. Finally. The longest five minutes of my life was over.

      "I'll stop if you listen to me," I mused, and he glared at me over his shoulder. I shrugged.

      "Go away, you annoying pest," he retorted, walking faster away from me. I continued to smile and followed his pace.

      "So where are we going?" I asked, pouting a little to myself.

      He bit back his bitterness and walked faster, but once again I matched his pace.

       He was probably used to stalkers. I really didn't want to annoy him, well, now that I started I wasn't so sure that was still true. I didn't hate Sasuke, but he had never really been that nice to me when we were growing up and was very difficult to work with in group projects.
      I suppose a part of me did hate him, but it was childish and mostly spanned from that one test where he outscored me. My reaction was petty, and I may of started a rumor that he cheated so I guess his dislike of me was justified and returned.


      "I can do this all night you know," I mused, with the smallest hint of a frown, because it was fact, I couldn't do this all night since I would get in so much trouble. Also, he made me want to drown myself, so that was a factor.

      "If you leave me alone for good, I'll listen to your annoying story tomorrow," he finally spoke up, obviously not happy about it. I looked at him suspiciously, as I don't recall him ever keeping promises. He promised to go easy on me one time during taijutsu practice, but he ended up tossing me into the fence. I'll hold that against him until I die.

How To Be Heartless? (Book One)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora