Chapter 23: A Regretful Goodbye

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"Hey you two, cut it out! Okay?" Sakura tried to reason but Sasuke and Naruto paid no head and they started to walk out. Sakura was about to yell something but I put a hand on her shoulder and shook my head.

"Come with me," Sasuke ordered Naruto and they began to walk out. Sasuke stepped on cut apples that Sakura no doubt had done for him. I scratched my head, not knowing what else to do but stand there. I had no desire to follow the two misfits as Sakura did.

I took a breath in trying to figure out what to do. No doubt this battle would get out of hand, I saw that look in Sasuke's eyes, I wouldn't want to be in the middle of it if it does get out of control. It scared me to think it. Sasuke's Chidori, and Naruto's Rasengan, what would happen if the two were to clash?

My feet moved rather quickly, before I could even begin to stop them and I ran down the hall and through the twists and turns, my memory working to remember the room. It had to be one of these. Maybe room 44. I quickly opened the door, my breathing kinda ragged, Kakashi-sensei looked up from his book and gave a closed eyed smile.

"What is it?" He asked, I opened my mouth quickly to respond.

"Naruto and Sasuke are fighting, no doubt on the roof," I said simply, and Kakashi-sensei sighed, putting his book into his weapon holster and went to the window before turning to me.

       "And I was getting to the good chapter," he said with a sigh.

       "She dies at the end," I told him, and watched him almost stumble out of the window.

       "You're evil," he said, horrified. "How did you even buy it? You're underage."

       "I'm rich."

       "Why is that your answer for everything?"

       "Cause I have money," I said and he frowned, rushing out the window while I ran back up stairs.
       I stumbled onto the roof towards the end, watching the scene with furrowed brows. Sasuke and Naruto had went crashing into two separate water towers. Sasuke's seemed to explode a hold, while Naruto's made a small dent, which no doubt looked a lot worse on the other side.

       Sakura was standing, her legs shaking, next to Kakashi.

"Hey! You two? What are you doing on the roof of the hospital? If you're fighting, you're getting too heated..." Kakashi-sensei said, his eyes half open and bored as usual. "Both of you..." Kakashi-sensei reappeared on top of the water tower that Sasuke damaged. "Why are you so obsessed with your superiority complex, Sasuke... That level of Chidori just now..." Sasuke pulled his hand out of the water tower, an ocean exploding out like a hose as he did. Kakashi-sensei continued. "It isn't an appropriate technique to be used against your own comrade. Were you trying to kill Naruto?" Sakura gasped as Kakashi-sensei spoke. "Where did such... immature behavior come from..."

I quickly walked over to Naruto, finding it kinda rude that no one went to see if he was okay. His hand seemed to be stuck and he was struggling to get it out. I put my hand onto his arm, signaling him to to stop as I gently got it out. Naruto glared as Sasuke seemed to ignore Kakashi-sensei and jumped down from the roof. Sakura began to cry.

I guess your teamwork doesn't count for shit anymore, huh Kakashi-sensei?

"Naruto-san?" I asked, helping to lift him up, he staggered, slightly tired. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, thanks, Sana," he said, for once not using any suffix of -chan to my name. He better not be planning to call me on first name bases, how impolite.

"It's alright! Soon things will go back to the way they used to be!" Kakashi-sensei said with a closed eyed smile jumping down next to Sakura who was still crying. Kakashi-sensei didn't stay long, he was gone seconds later. Naruto and I walked closer to Sakura who had just barely regarded him.

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