Chapter 19: Sibling Relations

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"Sana-chan, you never said your sister was a ninja," Naruto said looking at me. I slightly frowned.

"She isn't..." I murmured simply, staring down as Kana jumped to the ground. Considering I was injured I took the stairs remembering that I will feel it later. Questions were bubbling in me as soon as our eyes connected, but I did not say anything. What could I say? Congratulations? Please don't kill me? I know she wants to... Frowning I got it a quick stance, waiting for an attack. It was then when I noticed something. A smile? Father was smiling.

Had he organized this as some kind of life lesson to teach me? It did sound like him... But the question was which of us does he wish to win? If it's her then I'll gladly forfeit. But if it's me? Does he want me to hurt her?

Confusing old man....

"Are you ready?" Hayate asked and Kana merely gave him a sparing glance before nodding. I said a quiet "Yes," and he waved the flag. Kana didn't waste anytime time to attack like I didn't waste any time to defend.

"GO SANA-CHAN!" Naruto yelled. "Kick her ass!!" Moron.

She came at me with a heavy blow of an axe I didn't know she had. I swooped to the side as she difficultly picked it up from the indent in the ground. I gulped. That could have been my head...

Come on Sana. You know every battle strategy in the book. That axe is heavy, she'll get tired if she keeps swinging it.

I dodged the next blow and the next. Her fourth seemed to cut off a few strands of my hair though. I can't keep on dodging.....

I won't feel it... I won't feel it...

I quickly caught the wood part of the axe, I saw it cut slightly into my skin, blood dripping down my arm. Kana slightly panicked as I ripped the blunt weapon from her hand, before slashing it at her which she barely escaped from.

"What are you doing here?" I asked breaking the axe in half. I don't need her swinging it at my head. She smiled slightly.

"Why do you care? It doesn't matter anyways," she hissed pulling out two small fans. Wind Chakra. I jumped out of the way from the blast of wind she sent me, destroying the wall behind me...

Why can she do super cool Jutsus.... Why do I have to pick now to be jealous?

"I mean you got everything you ever wanted Sana," she hissed sending another wave of wind bitterly, it cut my cheek but other than that I was fine. I think. Damn this whole not feeling anything is screwing me up... "You got to be a ninja, while I was stuck as a maid...." She sent a whole five sets of wind at me shaped as daggers. I didn't even know she could do a clone and she was doing this? "I was always stuck looking at the dust you left by." She laughed bitterly as I ducked under the blast of wind. "Do you know how that feels? Father's pride and joy, Sana Itadori. To always be compared to you. You shouldn't even be a ninja. I'm better and you know it.

"Why was I chosen last? Why was I the one who had to watch you do everything I could only dream of. I was barely let out of my room let alone the house," she gave me the coldest of glares, hate dripping from her eyes. "And yet you get to go anywhere you like! And now I'll blow away the dust and show I can be in front."

I smiled allowing her to talk as she dodged the kunai I set at her. The insults taking a toll on my conscious but not enough to make me want to lose. I quickly ran around her throwing kunai in every direction, some not even hitting her. She was too angry to notice as she lifted her fans up to strike me. They ripped in half, her skin cutting only a little. It was only then when she noticed it.

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