Chapter 22: Broken Silence

Start from the beginning

Stupid Rain Ninja and her stupid mouth. Stupid picky woman... I so agree with Shikamaru that women are troublesome.

“Oh, Sana-chan, I expected you to get back four hours ago, what happened?” Iruka-sensei asked as I gave him the mission report. I was tempted to throw it at the man but decided against it.

“She took a while finding her dream Konoha inn,” I answered simply as he looked over the mission report. He nodded and looked back up at me.

“Yeah... Sorry about that,” he murmured, I shrugged.

“That's okay,” I said, standing up straight.

“Okay, you're excused,” as soon as he spoke I turned on one foot and walked out. I could finally go home. I can't believe I did that until night time. That is so messed up.

I looked at the moon as I walked not wishing to look at anything else. I really needed to get home, it was getting late and I don't do the dark... Stupid day light savings time and getting dark at five...

As soon as I got home I got a document shoved into my hands, I like to call it a book though. This one I could see was about some of the strongest ninja clans. I sighed and drank a bit of my water, my eyes scanning over the words rather quickly slightly drooping. My father always had me read this kind of stuff, documents about other clans, villages, Kekkei Genkai's, animals; so getting bored while reading was a given.


The walls around me weren't familiar, in fact, I don't think they were even real. They seemed to almost shimmer with a weird color I couldn't describe. I turned my head to examine them, my hand reaching out to touch. The wall was soft, a feeling I couldn't describe, like silk, but softer, like glass maybe. Just by looking at it I could conclude that this was a dream. It seemed to peaceful to be real.

Of course usually I couldn't tell whether or not it was a dream so that made this whole situation strange. I turned my head again, looking ahead of me, examining the room in which I stood in. It was actually quite pretty, the floor made from the same material as the walls. If I had to put a word to it I'd say it was ice. This whole place was constructed in pure ice. How eerie.

My eyes trailed upward to find a throne, a single person sitting down made me roll my eyes. Of all the things that I could dream up this was just … weird.

“What so you're a king in my mind?” I asked, and Sasuke stared at me boredly his head propped onto his wrist. His face looked older slightly, not the same Sasuke from before. What he was wearing was different too, a king's outfit of some sort. That's just strange.

“Perhaps,” he answered, not moving in the slightest. I took a step closer, not knowing what else too do. A small smile came up to my face. “Or perhaps I am real and you're not dreaming.” As he said this I tried to remember why I knew this wasn't real. I couldn't think of anything, everything I once remembered was hazy in my mind. I couldn't remember my friends, or anything that Sasuke used to look like. All I could tell was that this was a dream and Sasuke didn't normally dress like this. I think it was a dream... I don't even know anymore.

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