Chapter 15: The First Test

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry... I just..." Lee began. "But.. I wasn't planning on using the other one..." The turtle glared...

Where is that voice coming from?

"That's... a turtle right? Right?!" Naruto asked pointing at the animal.

"Isn't that obvious?" Sakura murmured.

"Hey hey!! Can turtle become a ninja Sensei?" Naruto asked.

"How would I know?!" Sakura exclaimed.

"If Kakashi can, then I think a turtle can too," I commented.

"You fool!!" yelled the turtle making me jump, but I still looked to find where the voice was coming from. "You think you can get away with an excuse like that?!! You already know what it means for a Shinobi to reveal his special techniques...!!"

"Yes!!" Lee frighteningly agreed.

"Are you prepared to pay?" the turtle snapped.


"Then here comes Gai-sensei!!" In a puff of smoke the a man appeared on standing on the turtle. I screamed lowly so no heard and fell on my butt surprised before sighing.

"Geez!! You guys are the epitome of adolescence!!" Gai yelled, making a flashy pose.

"He's got even thicker eye-brows!!" Naruto exclaimed and I stared at the man with an open mouth before I quickly closed it and got off my ass.

That's the last time I try to be curious.

"Super thick..."

"Super disgusting..."

"Did you crawl out from the turtle's anus or something?" I muttered.

"Those are incredible eye-brows... I've never seen them before..."

"Wow," I murmured.

"HEY!! Stop insulting Gai-sensei!!" Lee exclaimed before staring at me. "At least respect him and awe in his presence like that girl!!"

I think he misunderstood the reason of my wow...

"Shut up!! All these freaks keep appearing!! How the hell are we suppose to react!?!?!" Naruto yelled, and Lee snapped.

"What did you...?!?!" Lee snapped.

"Lee!!" Gai exclaimed.

"Oh!! Yes..." Lee murmured.

"You fool!!" Gai yelled hitting the poor Lee in the face with surprising force, before the man started crying. "You are... You are..."

"Sensei," Lee cried.

"That's enough Lee, you don't need to say it."

"Sensei!!" Lee yelled and the teacher and student proceeded to hug.

I walked back over to my team shaking my head slightly.

I wanna get as far away from them as possible.

"Uhh.." Sakura murmured.

"I lost to him..." Sasuke whispered not amused.

"I think that was more of a loss, he cleaned the floor with your face Sasuke-san," I said, earning his glare.

"Yes!! This is what youth is all about!!" Gai exclaimed.

What? Giving weird hugs to adolescent boys?

"Sensei!" Lee exclaimed.

"You know... That's some good stuff..." Naruto happily stated pointing at the weird two.

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