Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

They eventually found out about my injuries. It's kinda hard to hide blood soaked bandages. I had shrugged it off, saying it wasn't anything to worry about. They didn't believe me.

"Alright, alright," Johnny says. "Me, Pony, and JT went to my house. The ol' man came out and threw a bottle."

"I'm fine. It ain't hurting," I tell them.

"You all better be more careful next time, you hear?" Darry asks. We nod.

"I'm real sorry," Johnny says. Darry shakes his head.

"It ain't your fault."

Two-Bit grabs Johnny from behind and holds him in a headlock, rubbing his hair.

"You know we love you, man!" he says. Johnny shows a rare smile and pushes Two-Bit away.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna get out of here. See y'all later," Johnny says. He walks out, the screen door slamming behind him. He leaves to who knows where? Johnny just roams where there's safety. I couldn't blame him. After that bottle cut up my back, he'd be scared it'll be him next. I'm sure he thinks that now.

We all begin to turn in. Again I begin to wonder where Dally went to. He's always up to know good. Hopefully he won't be in too much heat with the cops.

I lie down in my own bed, hearing the noise subside from other rooms. I'm guessing the others ain't gonna leave. They'll just bum around here for a while longer.

The silence is a killer. Sounds of the ticking clock echo in the room. Crickets chirp outside the window. It feels scary. I don't like it.

I sit up and check the time. It's getting pretty late since it's getting closer to eleven o'clock. But the house is pure silence.

I pull on some jeans and Converse, grabbing a thick jacket too. I'll get killed if they figure out I'm sneaking out. But I tiptoe into the other room anyway. I check on the others, pulling blankets up and putting bottles on the floor. I walk out the door and try to avoid it squeaking something awful. I manage so quietly. The air is cold. This could be a bad idea.

I begin the path to the lot. I shove my hands in the pockets of the jacket. I look up from my feet and see Johnny's house. Yellow light glows from the window. Two silhouettes hit at each other. I hear yelling and screaming. Another figure opens the door and runs out. A woman calls behind them: "Get out of here!"

I realize it's Johnny. I stand there, eyes wide and mouth open, as he walks towards me.

"What are you doing here?" he asks.

"Forget about me. Are you alright?"

"No... C'mon. Let's get outta here. Can't stand it anymore," he says. He turns the other way and begins walking hurriedly towards the lot. Once there, he starts a fire and sits on an old car seat. I sit beside him.

"You're out here alone sometimes, aren't you?" I ask. He shrugs.

"Sometimes Pony's with me. I guess it was a stupid thing for me to go home."

"None of this is your fault, you know."

"Whatever. I'm always my parents' problems," he says bitterly.

"Just because they said it, doesn't mean it's true. They're drunks and abusive, Johnny."

"I know, I know..." He leans back and looks at the stars, blinks slowly, and stares again.

"I wish there was a place with none of this," he says. "No greasers, socs, or problems. It's gotta exist, right?"

"I don't know, Johnny. But if I could find it, me and you would be first to go," I answer.

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