Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"You must spend your time here until you learn your lesson," my teacher tells me.

"What do you mean? I just want to go home!" I complain.

"No. You have to stay here. I'll come back soon to tell you of your progress."

"What do I have to do to come home?" I ask.

"You are in the 1960's, the time set for the book I gave you. You already talk and know about most of the things they do. Never mention me or the future. It'll be easy. But the struggle to figure out your lesson will not be. Like before, I'll visit soon. But for now, you need to wake up and meet the people you'll be with."

"Wait! Don't leave me!"

She begins to fade as I call out for her. I don't want her to leave. I'm too scared!

The vision goes to black, leaving me alone.


"Are you alright?" a voice asks beside me. I open my eyes and see a familiar face. Then I remember I saw him last night. He was one who came along later.

I look around the room as the sunlight streams through the blinds on the windows. I furrow my eyebrows and squint my eyes as I try to recall where I am. I glance at him as he stares at me, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah. I'm fine..." I answer. I feel beads of sweat on the nape of my neck. He takes a damp cloth and gently wipes the dried blood from my jaw.

"I guess they got you good, didn't they? They ain't gonna hurt you around us anymore."

"But where am I?" I ask.

"You're at my house," he states. "Me and my brothers have been taking care of you."

"Wh- Who are you?"

"My name's Ponyboy. What's yours?"

"JT..." I answer, still puzzled. So this isn't a dream. I'm here with a fictional character from a book. I guess he's not so fictional anymore. But if he's real, they're all real...

"Is there anything I can do?" he asks politely. I shake my head and remove the sheets from my body. I sit on the edge of the bed, gripping on to nothing in particular as I try to steady myself.

"You should rest," he suggests. I shake my head again. He grabs my arms to help me stand up straight. My stomach feels empty, making me sick. My head burns like I have a fever. No doubt I probably do.

"I've got to... go home..." I tell him. I know he doesn't understand what I mean. I probably looked like an idiot last night. I was all by myself getting jumped by a bunch of no good losers. Why would I look like I wanted to go home then?

"We'll talk to my brother about it," he says. I struggle to make my way out of the room. I finally feel less dizzy as I walk more independently. As soon as we pass the corner, all eyes fall on me. There are several guys there just hanging out around the couch and chair. They all stare at me like I'm some wild animal. I'm sure I look bewildered.

"Is she alright?" one asks. Ponyboy simply shrugs. They all look to me as if expecting an answer.

"I'm fine..." I state shyly.

"She ain't looking too hot," a second states.

"The Socs jumped her. You wouldn't look too good yourself," the first replies. He shrugs.

"Pony," an older one says as he walks in- he doesn't even look surprised that I'm standing there- "are you alright here by yourself?"

"Yeah. I'll be okay."

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