Chapter 1 : Just Bestfriends.

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Nagihiko's POV :

The morning bell rang. Today just doesn't seem like a good day. I woke up and was just like: "nope." But that is ok, she will cheer me up. I sit down at my desk and take out some supplies. I hate math. But that is ok, she will cheer me up.

Some late kids roll in rebelliously. But I can tell by their faces that they are worried Mr.Natto would yell at them. But that's not my problem.

Mashiro, Rima. Definiton : My Bestfriend. She is always happy, well not always... but you get the picture. She is sweet, funny, silly, stubborn. It's all the things I like in a girl. But that is not ok. It will never be.

"Hey. Hey you." She poked me.


"So me and my boyfriend..." and there it is.

Those words taunt me everytime. Boyfriend huh? Bestfriend huh? It just confuses me very much. What is her type? Not that that matters to me. (But it kinda does.)

The teacher caught on to Rima's whispers. The face she makes when she is nervous is so cute.

"Mr. Natto you're mistaken. I asked her to explain a math term to me. I was just confused." I quickly say. He retorts about me asking him the questions and not her. But that is ok, at least she didn't get scolded at. He also gave me a funny look. And I know why. I have an 100 in his class. Rima has a 76.

Rima glanced over at me with disbelief written all over her puzzled face. I send back a reassuring smile. What else can I do?


I don't deserve lunch detention. I persuaded him to let her go. But now I regret it. I have no eye-staring contests anymore.
Mr. Natto is grading our work. He mumbles under his breath nasty words expressing his hatred for stupid kids.

I always hated him for that.


"Thank god you're back I was getting so bored." She greeted.

"I was too. You know, detention is nothing without staring contests. Besides, the door ALWAYS win. Not to mention the wall. Like why do I even try?" I throw my hands up in the air.

I see him walk up behind her. He gives me a "shh" sign. I mentally glare at him. I despise his presence.

"Ahh, Rima. Look Mrs. Iwagaki, you're favorite teacher, let's go say hi." I push her in that direction. I see his shoulders dropped. He frowns a bit. But that's not my problem.

"Why'd you do that? Rima loves surprises." He gave me a dumbfounded look.

"Because like you said, Rima loves surprises. She doesn't like to be scared though. Think about it." I gave him a 'duh' look. I mean everyone should know that.

I chase after her and we greet Mrs. Iwagaki. Not that I truly care about her well-being, but if Rima's happy (and not scared by some foolish boy) I am happy too.

Let me tell you more about me. I am what they called 2 faced. I am very kind, sweet, bubbly and pretty cool on the outside. On the inside I am very selfless (Yes I know how can I be selfless on the inside? Well that is because I will always want to protect Rima. And I forever will), worried, angry, sad, happy, confused, but mostly stoic. But what can I say?

You can probably tell from my inner thoughts what type of person I am. And how when I speak to Rima I am different. That is because I want to love, care and support her with all my heart. I want to give her love her boyfriend, her previous bestfriend, her family, and her friends can't give her.

I want to be more.

But that is not ok. Because of who I am.

Fujisaki, Nagihiko. Definition : Her bestfriend.

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So what do you guys think? Tell me and I'll be overjoyed with happiness that I will explode. My writing style will be way different than my previous Rimahiko story. That is because I am in their inner thoughts. But I will write in regular POV (point of view to those that don't know) soon.

If you have time and like this so far, You are able to check out my other story : Feared With A Hood. It is another Rimahiko Fanfiction. Haha, kay bye.

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