Chapter 3 Ander likes me, why?

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I am slowly getting my writing mojo back!! *Que the clebration music!!* Lol. So here is the next part. I hope you enjoy!!!


Chapter 3 Ander likes me, why?


Have you ever the heard of the term. Popular and guy. Well Blaire is popular, but he also goes to my school, except he now has competition. With the new boy that came from Zealous High. He has light brown shaggy hair, and light blue eyes. Adorable!! Plus he wears the hot-smart guy clothes, which means that button-up shirts fill his entire closet along with khaki pants, and maybe some blue jeans.

For a very long-long time I have been crushing on him, and now he is here in my third period class. Secretly glancing at me, I tried not to notice of his presence.

My hand kept moving, while writing with my pen. I started to fall into my happy, crushing world, where it is just of me and Ander. Closing my eyes, I imagined myself walking over towards Ander. Once I felt his tense muscles relax, I knew that I had him. In my grasp.

Blue sparks went off in my mind, and I would pass by his consciounce, teasing him, flirting with him, pecking him on his cheek, and running my fingers through his hair.

Ow!! A firey-burn took me out of my happy state, and I looked back to see a glarring Blaire. Oh, shoot!! I forgot that I had this class with him. I might as well leave. Why do I feel like jelly?

I raised my hand up "Mr. Krell may I go to the restroom?", he nodded his head at me, without actually glancing at me but at his paper. Thank you!! I walked passed Ander, I have no idea why?!!

He scretly brushed his fingers across my left arm, right before I left the classroom, and I went straight towards my locker. Just then I noticed that I had left my supplies in the room, hopefully Ander will get them for me. I am sure he will.

A secret smile came onto my face. I have no idea what I am, but using him is very bad, and I think that he'll like it. It isn't like he is actually a saint either.

Now it has me thinking about my kiss with Blaire, ever since then I ignored him and his presence. Everything!! He is my enemy and I won't let him get off that easily! Heck no!!

Which made him even more angry than before, now I feel heated up!!

I need to let my anger out slowly before I expose myse-"Arail", I look over my shoulder to see Ander now running my way and he handed me my supplies.

After he was right in front of me, of course. "Thanks Ander", he placed a kiss on my right cheek. "No problem. So shall we got to lunch", just then the bell rang, I smiled.

And he through his arm over my shoulders, and we waltzed into the cafeteria together.


Wow. This guy is more perfect than I thought!! We have so much in common, and he stopped Blaire from tripping me,a nd being able to insult me by a peck to my lips?!!

I liked/hated his kiss. What is up with me?

Growing tired of Blaire's glarring, I excused myself from the table and I ran out of the cafeteria with him coming staright after me. Typical Blaire. Once we stopped I could see the rage on him, and he calmly exposed himself to me. Does it come natural to him, or what?

Blaire was furious and we somehow ended up in the freshmen's hallway during lunch again! Seriously?!! He attacked me with a kiss making me straightly give into him, I felt myself enjoying this-Wait. No!!

A huge shock came out of me and hit Blaire, he flew back and he did a flip in the air before he starightly landed on his feet composing himself. Both of our eyes are now purple "Leave me alone!!", I shook with more than rage, and the ground shook with me. I tried to calm myself but it isn't as easy as it sounds!

"Never", he spat. And my powers had a mind of their own by throwing him into the air, and move as if he were in water, just floating. I smirked "Now keep your distance", out fo nowhere a huge black smoke cloud came out of nowhere.

And the next thing I know is that I am being jerked straight into Blaire's chest, and he held me tightly at bay. "I hate how I know what you to only be mine!!", his words scared me.

"Keep your distance", my voice shocked us both. His fingers laced themselves into my hair "Tell me that", his own voice now terrified me. "I will have you", I felt myself falling into him.

Until my red feathers sliced me out of his grip, and he starred at me with hate.

"Fine then!", he vanished into thin air. As I fell onto the ground, breathing heavily.

"Hey Arail", I looked up to see a smiling Ander "Will you like to come to my house?", I nodded my head at him eagerly making him chuckle.

He gave me his hand and I gladly took it as he helped me up. "Now shall I escort a beautiful lady to my place", I batted my eyelashes at him. "You shall".


Ander and I have become insepareable and closer, unlike me and Blaire who have become badly distant. Why does it hurt me so? Aren't I suspose to be happy without him?

I am.......right?


Oh forget it "Hey Arail I am gonna go hang out with Yetta", I smiled at Aran as he looked at Ander. He still hasn't gotten used to him, I am surprised that he hasn't killed him yet. But why does he look at me with abit of disappiontment?

I am just imagining things.

"Cool tell her I said Hi!!", he nodded at me.

"Will do",and he walked off shocking me, why didn't he wave me off?

"Hey Arail", I turned my attention back towards Ander.

"Yes?", he gave me a seductive grin.

"Lets go to my place. Shall we", he took my hand and pulled me up, before I had enough time to protest and we were off to his house.


What is up with Arail?!!

Tell me if you want more!!

I might be able to finish this story so stay tuned! Lol. This isn't an awesome show. I wish.

So tell me your thoughts. XD

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