Chapter 2 Far-Fetched........Eh?

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Chapter 2 Far-Fetched....Eh?


Avoiding Blaire was harder than I thought! He is actually trying to catch me this time. I am deathly afriad of the out come if he gets his fingers on me!

I was okay, pretending to be something I am not!! But he had to push my buttons and figure out what I am!!

It gets even worse, because he is actually like me!! I have no idea what to think of that. Except to run for my life, and never will I look back.

One problem, I got one problem with that. Aran has been keeping a close eye on me lately, more than he usually does. He must have noticed the change in my behavior.

Ah. How I hate to be observed!! I'd use my powers, but they seem to be out of service now! I know that they can't just come and go!

That is just ridiculous!!

Argh!! I punched my pillow making the huge white sheet dissolve, and all that was left was feathers falling onto the ground. I wonder. I starred at them long enough, and they started to float in the air, before they turned bright red.

As soon as they I heard Aran coming near my room, they flew out of the window! Oh, great now I am gonna have the F.B.I. On me now. This is so messed up!!

"Hey Arail are you doing okay?", I nodded my head.

"Yeah Aran. Why ask?", I had to tilt my head to the side, he chuckled.

He always found that amusing, don't ask me. I am thankful that I don't read minds! But at the same time it is a bummer not being able to do that. You know.

"I dunno", he had his hands in his jeans pockets, and he starred at me. I swear at times like these, I think that he is trying to figure me out. Can he?

"Well", he had a thoughtful look on his face but it quickly went "I will be out tonight. So try not to throw a party", I laughed at his stupid joke.

Aran sure makes sure that I get no party's, he is very over protective!

"See you later Aran!!", he waved me off again as he walked out. I swear Yetta was and still is a bad influence on him, who knew that she knew the prince!! I sure didn't until I accidentally called him awhile back.

I heard Aran's black ninja motorcycle turn on, and he peeled out onto the street. Once it was out of my hearing range, I smiled. I love being all alone.

My transformation kicked in without warning, I jumped off of my bed to see that I have on. Some black blue jean shorts, and a gray long sleeved t-shirt, with some black heels. What is the meaning of-"So you are home alone", I froze. I gulped, and swallowed the huge lump forming in my throat, I turned myself around to see Blaire.

"No I am not".

"Your brother just left, so you can't lie to me", he casually strolled over to me.

"Don't come any closer".

"Wow. You are hotter as your original self", he took off his sunglasses to show his golden-brown eyes. He glew more than I did, I mean his eyes. But his skin glew sparkly white. I avoided his gaze.

"Poor Arail. You have no idea what I want from you. Do you?", I quickly shook my head at him. He threw his glasses, they flew and stopped mid-air before they gently fell onto my black dresser, right on top of my romance novel. I love that book.

He sighed and it pulled me in, I could tell that he made himself fresh. Taking about two hours, why?

"Why did you get ready?", he slowly took off his black leather jacket to show off his muscles and

his viens are red and dimly glowing. His eyes flashed and now there is a silver ring in them.

His black leather jacket fell onto the carpet, rather gently.

Why gently?

A huge migrane hit my head. Ow!!

"Don't think too much Arail. You'll only upset your powers", I shook uncontrollably.

"H-How?", he placed his let hand on my flat stomach just above my navel, and he gently pushed me down onto my bed.

I softly bounced on it from the fall.

"Do you know what is scary?", his golden-brown eyes pierced into mine.

"What is?", my voice was no longer weak and stuttering, he ran his fingers threw my hair.

"That I can't control myself", his eyes tried to turn back into there normal color, but they couldn't.

He fully layed himself on top of me. His lips touched mine, and he pulled back from the shock I gave him, he pinned both of my wrists down onto my bed.

"I won't hurt you, but you must trust me", how can-I will.

I pressed my lips against his, feeling the cool breeze from outside hit me playfully before it went crazy and surrounded us.

His tongue licked my lips and he managed to seprated my lips, he quickly became the dominant one as we kissed.

Our eyes stayed open, and I could see and hear what he had seen and heard, I saw his goals, dreams, and worse his nightmares. And lastly I saw into his soul, everything and anything. It was all there.

We kissed away through the night, combining our powers together.


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I need to know these things!! So bye!! XD

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