Ch. 40 Wanting and Recieving

Start from the beginning


I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up the sun was shining through the window.

“Oh fuuuuccckkkkkkk…Eric is going to be slightly pissed.” I exasperated and got up to stretch.

For the rest of the day I took down the dance pictures and cleaned the now empty studio so it was spick and span. It deserved it. For it wasn’t just a room, it was a place where little girls and teens blossomed into beautiful dancers.

I’m doing this to protect them, I reminded myself over and over again.

In fact by the time I packed the last box the sun had set and I screamed out of fright when I turned around. Eric was standing there in a leather jacket, white t-shirt, dark grey jeans, and the nice pair of dark boots I had got him. Thankfully he didn’t look pissed and I didn’t pick up any angry vibes.

“I waited for you. Why didn’t you come home?” My vampire asked and I looked away while biting my lip.

“I had some stuff to take care of…”

Eric looked around and then back at me. My skin vibrated from being nervous and my face began to heat up. “Were you crying? You’re eyes are red.”

He didn’t give me time to explain and zipped right in front of me. I looked down while I nodded and felt like I was five years old. In a sense I guess I was embarrassed to admit to Eric that I had been crying. I mean out of all the things I could cry over, I was crying over a dance studio and maybe he might think that was pathetic.

“My love I know how much you loved teaching. I don’t think it is pathetic one bit.” Eric said gently and pulled me into his arms. They felt cold but I ignored it as I realized I let down the walls.

“I know I just, I just don’t want anyone of them to get hurt like Rosie and her mom. Ever.” I cried and buried my face in my love’s hard chest.

Eric pulled me closer and stroked my hair while I wept and didn’t complain one bit.

“Can we just do something normal? Please?” I asked and looked up through my teary eyes into Eric’s ocean blues.

An instant grin spread across his face and his hands traveled down to my butt. Oh great… “Like have primal sex till I make you pass out?”

I hit my horny vampire’s chest playfully. “No! What about grocery shopping?”

Eric raised both his eyebrows at me. “Seriously?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Well I need to go anyway. All I want to do is feel normal with my fiancé…” I had a little bit of a hard time spitting the last word out and that made Eric’s face harden.

“Do you not like that I am your fiancé?” He asked peeved.

Oh shit. “What?! No! I-I-”


“Eric I love you, but a lot has just happened in the past few months. NO way in hell did I ever imagine my life would turn out this way. You know?”

He mulled it over for a minute and nodded but asked, “Do you still want to marry me?”

I grabbed Eric’s shirt around the neck and pulled him down so I could kiss him. Everything I could muster I pressed into that bad boy and when I let go, lets just say there was no longer any confusion.


Waking up the next morning I really needed my coffee, but even that wasn’t going to prepare me enough for when I answered the door in my cloud pajama pants and matching shirt.

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