Chapter 2: Stalking Sasuke

Start from the beginning

      "You swear? Pinky promise?" I replied, sticking out my pinky, making him look more annoyed.

      "Go away."

      I took that answer as a pinky promise and walked away. Although, moments later I realized that I never actually thought of a likely excuse to guilt him into helping me. At that thought I felt a sense of foreboding and depression.

       The next day I couldn't find Sasuke anywhere, I sighed to myself, disappointed and sad since I should have known he was lying. This was Taijutsu practicals all over again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...screw you and your big stupid red fan symbol.

      The Uchiha suck anyway and they have stupid hair. I should probably just give up on being a ninja and on trying to please father. I sunk further into my arms, my chin propped up to look ahead of me. Maybe I could live in a tent and live off the land.

      Maybe I could just sell flowers for a living? I'll move to another village and make a living selling flowers and have a husband and maybe a child, but preferably I'd rather have a dog than a child. Who needs fighting or being accepted or family? If I run out of money I can always go begging. Maybe I could live at the side of the road and only eat vegetables and fruit and water.

       "Why are you trying so hard? Can't you train by yourself?" spoke a cold voice, making my head snap up. I gave him a frown.

        "I've tried, I suck, and I need to pass the test. It's important," I defended, he looked away.

      "Weak people like you are a burden to their team," he coldly replied, and as much as I knew that, the statement was still like cold ice upon my skin. I looked down. Assholes are burdens in their own way too.

       "I know, but it doesn't matter if I am a burden or not. When I pass I will spend every moment of my time training. I know I can get better, but if I don't pass..." I paused, and Sasuke looked at me from the corner of his eyes as I looked down. "You're the strongest one in the class, I can't ask anyone at home..." I'm scared. "I don't care if you see me as weak cause..." you're an asshole. "...well, I think you already do."

      I heard him sigh, gazing at me with a harsh stare. I looked away from it.

      "It will just be a waste of time," he replied, before turning away. My eyes widened, but I didn't stop him. It would be selfish. I only asked him to listen.

      "You're right," I stated, with a small sigh. He paused for a second, but then kept on walking.

      "Tomorrow at four," in the morning? Are you for serious? "meet me here, and if you're late even by a few seconds you can forget it," Sasuke murmured, and a grin spread along my pale face, before I got up quickly form my seat and bowed. I'll have to set my alarm...

       "Thank you so much Uchiha-san!" I rejoiced as I bowed to his back. He didn't say anything, and just kept on walking.


      I woke up early the next day, since I didn't quite believe he was kidding when he said he wouldn't wait. It took a lot for me to get him to do what I wanted, and I didn't need to mess it up. So I arrived about thirty minutes before I actually had to, just in case.

      "Lets get this straight, if you annoy me even once, this is over."

      That was the first thing he said when he arrived. I frowned, but quickly covered it up.

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