Chapter 1: Itadori Sana

Start from the beginning

      "Don't tell me you've attempted to talk Sana into teaching Ninjutsu, Kana?" I heard father say from behind me. I saw Kana's eyes widen. He was standing by the gates, his head leaned to the side it as his hand lazily brushed a strand of hair away from his eyes. There was a raw annoyance in his voice that froze my spine. "It seems as if your only talent is disobedience."

      "I-I didn't say anything." Kana barely managed to squeak out. "I know my place. I'll be good." Kana eyed me to leave, obviously meaning that I would ruin everything if I stayed.

      I complied, figuring that was probably true. I did have the strangest abilities to destroy things that I wanted to protect, especially since most days I didn't know when to stop talking. My relationship with my sister was already delicate, so I was increasingly nervous to interfere anymore.

      But mostly I was a coward and I didn't have the nerve to tell my father that I didn't want to become a ninja. I suppose getting strong wasn't such a bad idea, but the work and the training that was required to get said strength was a continued pain in the ass.

I couldn't get what she said out of my mind. Why do you hate me then?

There was no time for that thought. I still had to tell my father I failed my practical.


      I numbly stared up at Iruka-sensei, half of my attention slightly toning him out. If I failed to miss even one word I knew I would slip up on any surprise tests, but he talked really slow and I preferred reading up on what he was going to lecture about before class. I was already weak enough with anything chakra related, I don't even want to think about what would happen if I slipped up in the IQ area too. I have to admit, it was ego that also drove me at this point, as memorization and the writing portions of class had always been my only strong point. In theory, being a ninja should have been easy for me, but theory was as close as I could ever get.

      I pushed a bit of my bangs out of my face, finding that Iruka was now going over the history of Konoha, which I never found too interesting. I wasn't sure why we had to know what Hashirama's favorite meal of the day was, and neither did I care.

        And I already studied it, so it just seemed redundant at this point. Showing up to school at all seemed redundant actually.

      I was getting rather tired of having no skills outside academics...well, I suppose that wasn't true. My sewing abilities were pretty good. And I was getting really good at drawing the back of Sakura's head in my doodles. Recently, she moved seats to be near Sasuke, leading her to ruin my concentration. It helped that her big head was in front of me, with her posture so rigid and straight. She obviously had no care for the kid behind her who couldn't see the board. I sometimes liked to draw her face with a mustache and a unibrow.

      I didn't dislike Sakura, but I think I gave up paying attention to Iruka half-way through the semester because of her.

      Also, she didn't care when I told her to move. I don't think she meant to be self-centered and I imagine she just didn't think about her actions.

      "Hey, can I have this seat Itadori-san?" asked a sweet enough voice to get my attention. I slowly looked up, moving a bit of my hair out of my face to do so. Sakura looked at me with a smile. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Again, I didn't hate Sakura, but I still wish she would maybe crouch down sometimes so I could get the last of Iruka-sensei's notes without having to squirm and tilt.

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