But instead, V got up and ran towards the direction where noona and Jimin ran to. I sighed and turn to Hoseok.

'Should we clean this place up?' I asked.

He nodded and we started cleaning up.

Taehyung's POV

I started running towards the direction where Jimin and Sooyou ran to. I looked around anxiously, scared to loose her once more time.

I'm really scared.

Where is she?

Sooyou's POV

I ran towards a rock near the shore, far away from them and sat on it while panting.

I can't, I can't start another relationship.

After what I've been through.

I can't.


I turned and found Jimin running towards me. He got to me and sat next to me.

'Hey, what's wrong?' he asked.

Tears won't stop running down my face as the memories came back.

'Hey, stop crying. You're gonna make me sad too.'

I chuckled a bit and went back to my crying mood later on.

'Do you wanna talk about it?' he asked.

I wiped away my tears and started with the story.


'Why? Why?! Why? Why John? Why?'I yelled while tears streamed down my face.

'Hmph, don't ask me why, you know why...' he chuckled.

'What do you mean I know why?!?!' I yelled at him angrily.

'You're worthless, no one wants you, no one likes you, no one.' he smirked.

I started sobbing and the girl I found him kissing with, snuggled up against him.

'Get away from him, you're so ugly, no one wants you.' she said.

I breathed in a deep breath and sighed.

'Kyungmin, don't you think you've had enough? You're bullying me, yes. But why are you taking everything away from me?' I said softly.

'Because you're a piece of shit.' she smirked.

I stormed out of John's house and ran towards the park. I tripped and fell down and my legs gave up on me. I sobbed and cried in my hands.

'Why? Why is my life always like this...?' I said to myself.


I looked up and found Taehyung looking at me with those concerned eyes.

'What's wrong...?' he asked as he kneeled down onto my level. I immediately hug him and sobbed onto his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and comforted me.

'Yah, whatever is it. I'll always be here for you.' he said.

I told him what happened and he got pretty mad.

'Don't listen to them, they're wrong, you're perfect, you're so worth it! Anybody who marries you is gonna be really lucky!' he said.

I smiled a little and hugged him tighter.

'Thank you, Taehyung.'

*One month later*


'Oh! Taehyung-ah!'

'Hey! Ya know, you're pretty ugly and worthless...'

My heart broke into a million pieces as he said that.

'W-what?' I stuttered.

'Yeah, you heard me. No one wants you.' he smirked.


'Everything I said before was not true, I was just acting...'

My heart broke into another million pieces. The bell rang and I quickly picked up my books.

But he slapped all my books causing it to fall to the ground, making me stare at him, shocked.

'Bye loser.' he chuckled.

With that, he walked away. Leaving me standing there, speechless.

*end of flashback*
Sooyou's POV

'I can't...accept it yet. Even though I forgave him, I can't accept him yet...' I said softly.

But suddenly, I felt a pair of muscular arms wrapped around me. I looked up and found Jimin looking at me and smiled.

I looked at him and smiled a little.

'Let it all out, I'm here.'

So I did cried on his chest, sobbing violently and hugging him.

'Thank you Jimin.'

Taehyung's POV

'Sooyou?!' I yelled as I looked around nervously.


I ran and never stopped until I found Sooyou. I did find her.


I got cut off by seeing Jimin hugging her on the rock near the shore and I felt my heart getting broken.
Heyyy! Another update!


Thank you for reading! Vote and comment :D

J. xoxo

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