Chapter Thirty-Four

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Jay's POV

I saw Chloe slam the door to the staircase shut behind her. I nodded to myself.

Chloe is safe. Darren is safe. Good.

I turned to face Carson.

"Be ready," I whispered.

He nodded, eyes focused on the direction the footsteps were coming from. I took a deep breath, and braced myself. The footsteps became louder; they were coming quickly. I muttered a quick prayer.

I double-checked to make sure we had moved Paul's unconscious body.

Okay, good.

Yearning for some sort of comfort, I gripped the gun hidden inside my hoodie. Yes, a gun. Hey, even I don't know how the heck I got in with it.

The cool metal against my skin soothed me. It reassured me that I was going to be alright.

Two men I had never seen before rounded the corner within a few seconds. Though dressed in the same black attire that Jim and Ned wore, I knew it wasn't them. One was tall and younger looking, with shaggy blonde hair. The other was even taller, but looked older, and had spiked black hair. I didn't know them. It appeared, however, that they knew me.

"J-Jay?" the first one yelled, confused. "B-but..."

He trailed off. I couldn't tell where they were looking, due to the dark sunglasses. I guess he must've laid eyes upon Carson, because his mouth dropped open slightly. He whispered something to his buddy, who's forehead creased. I think he looked at Carson, too.

"Carson!" he shouted angrily. "What the Hölle is going on?"

Carson smirked. Raising his eyebrows, he shrugged.

"I said...WHAT THE HÖLLE IS GOING ON?" the older guy shouted even louder.

Carson shrugged again. He bit his lip, obviously fighting laughter.

The guy cursed, and grabbed his phone from his suit.

"I'll call Paul!" he threatened.

Carson pretended to be frightened.

"Oh, no!" he squealed in a high-pitched little kid voice. "I'm going to die! No, Xavier! Please don't call Paul! I beg you!"

I laughed inside my head.

Xavier, if that was his name, cursed again. His face turned bright red. He dialed Paul's number, and held the phone to his ear. When Paul didn't pick up, he cursed for the third time, and threw the phone against the wall.

Somebody has anger issues...

Xavier's eyes widened in disbelief. Carson let out a short laugh, unable to contain it any longer. The younger guy's mouth dropped open in shock. I frowned. What had happened?

"Anger issues, huh?" Xavier muttered angrily.

Verdammt it!

The next thing I knew, Xavier had a gun aimed at Carson's head.

"Now, I would be doing this to you if we didn't need you alive," he said. "But, sadly, we do. Thankfully, you had a spare. Since this worthless piece of junk over here doesn't matter at all, we can kill him. No harm done."

I narrowed my eyes.

"What did you just say?" I asked through gritted teeth.

Xavier grinned smugly.

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