Chapter Eleven

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Chloe's POV

Finally. It was summer. No more school.

It had been two weeks since the incident in the woods. Maybe they were gone. Hopefully. Jay was still staying with us. I didn't mind; I liked it. To have my boyfriend practically living with me, it was nice. I got to see him all the time. I think my family enjoyed it, too.

We had let my father in on Jay's story. He grinned sheepishly as we explained the pizza guy story. Logan was always trying to steal Jay away from me. He wanted to play cars. Or trains. Or baseball. Or other little boy stuff. Sometimes, I let him.

It seems like a sort of connection has formed between my mom and Jay. They seem closer now. I see them together a lot, talking.

"Hey, Chloe, do you want to go to the park with me?"

I looked up to see Jay standing behind the couch. He had his hood off, and his jet black hair looked even more wonderful than usual. I was so mesmerized by his looks, that I forgot what he had asked me for a few seconds.

What was it? The park. Right.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go."

I could never turn him down. There wasn't ever a reason to. It's not like he asks me to go do stuff I don't want to do. He was a great boyfriend, really. He wasn't shy anymore, I was glad about that. He joked around now, and talked without fear or worry. I thought he had been perfect before. Now, I realized, he was better than perfect. He was himself. He had nothing to hide, nothing to prove, nothing to do but be himself. And I liked who he really was. I liked it a lot.

"I've been working on my German, you know," Jay informed me as we were walking to the park.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, do you want me to speak it to you?"


"Ich liebe dich," he whispered into my ear.

I love you.


Jay's POV

We were sitting by the river at the park. Just staring at the water in silence. It sounds stupid, but it felt great. Chloe had her head resting on my shoulder. Our hands were locked. It was amazing. I closed my eyes to take it all in.

When I opened them, I think I had a heart attack. I heard Chloe gasp as well.


"Hey, man, what are you doing here?" I asked nervously.

I knew what he was doing here. He had come to finish what he had started in the alley. Strangely, Rob's face was a mask of terror instead of anger and hatred.

"Jay, listen, I'm sorry know."


"Good. You should be. You almost freakin' killed me!"

"Yeah," he nodded solemnly. "I get that."

"So, then, why are you here?"

Chloe hugged me tightly. I hugged her back. I knew she was as scared as I was, maybe even more. She hadn't dealt with stuff like this before.

"It's okay," I whispered into her ear.

Rob looked at the ground. He swallowed loudly. His fingers twitched. What could possibly be so terrifying? This was not like Rob at all.

"Rob, seriously, man." I was getting desperate.

"" he stuttered.

"Just spit it out already!"

Footsteps sounded behind me. Rob looked up. His face turned even paler. Chloe turned around. She inhaled sharply, and started shaking.

"Hello, Jay."

I closed my eyes. I should've known.


Sup, guys? Eleven chapters completed! I'm surprised at how well this story is coming along. I always want to be writing more! I'll try to update maybe one or two more times this weekend! Oh yes, and pretty please, with a cherry on top, vote for this chapter. I need to know how many people are enjoying this book. Thanks! :) :P :D

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