Chapter Thirty-Three

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Darren's POV

I heard Jay scream, and I frowned. What could possibly be wrong? Nevertheless, Carson and I ran over to see what had happened.

Hearing us approaching, Jay turned around. His face was extremely pale, and his eyes were wide with worry. He looked as if he was about to die.

Jay pointed a finger, and I followed it to where two people were laying. At first, I dint see what was wrong. Only upon looking did I see what had caused Jay's scream.

The boy had a wound on his stomach, and a gag over his mouth. I guessed it was to muffle the cry of pain. By the looks of it, the wound was from a knife. It wasn't very deep, but blood was pouring out. Though unconscious, his face was contorted in pain.

The girl didn't have any visible wounds, but she also had a gag over her mouth. She was unconscious. Her face was still wet with tears.

Carson kneeled beside the boy and inspected the wound. Carefully, as not to touch the open area, he lifted the boy's shirt up. He gently traced a large circle around the cut.

"You know doctor-stuff Carson?" Jay asked hopefully.

Carson nodded.

What? He knows how to treat wounds? But, I thought he was, like, really dumb.

"It's a knife wound," he declared. "Not deep, but he's loosing a lot of blood.

Hey, I was right!

He slowly took off the boy's shirt all the way, and wrapped it around his stomach to stop the blood from flowing out freely. But still, the shirt was soaked through in seconds.

Carson muttered something under his breath. He whispered something to Jay, and Jay nodded. Carson left. I frowned.

Why couldn't he tell me where he was going?

I was about to ask Jay what Carson had said, but I stopped myself.

He might hit you again, Darren! Don't ruin everything! Look, you're lucky to be alive, don't go acting like they're your best buddies.

Right! Best to be silent.

Carson returned a few minutes later with a bunch of medical supplies. He expertly treated the boy's wound. I have to admit, I was pretty impressed. It seemed Carson actually knew some stuff.

"Rob will be fine," he said, after he had finished the treatment. "But, we need to, like, put him somewhere safe and quiet."

"Yeah," Jay agreed.

Carson's eyebrows furrowed in thought. His face brightened a few seconds later.

"I know!" he exclaimed. "There's a's kind of like a basement. Nobody goes down there anymore. Heck, they probably don't even know it exists. I found it one day when I was eleven. I used to go there sometimes to..." he trailed off.

I had never heard of the room Carson spoke of. Well, actually, maybe I had. But, I had just brushed it off as one of Carson's issues.


"Darren!" Zane hollered my name. "Come here!"

I jogged over to where Zane was standing.

"What?" I asked.

"You know LS? The one that's always with Paul?" he asked.

I nodded, unsure of what he was getting at.

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