Chapter Twelve

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Chloe's POV

It was them. The guys in the black suits. They were back. Why now? They always show up at the worst times. I saw Jay close his eyes next to me. He was pissed, too.

Rob started to back away slowly. One of the men saw him. He stopped Rob in his tracks with the quick movement of slicing his hand across his neck. These guys were serious here.

I felt Jay slip his hand inside my pocket. Why, I had no clue. I don't think the super-spy dudes noticed. They didn't move a muscle. I gripped Jay's hand tighter. He squeezed back, as if to reassure me.

"Come with us now, Jay. Before anyone gets hurt."

Jay made a move to stand up, but I pulled him back down.

"Don't go, Jay," I whispered, choking through tears.

"Chloe," he said solemnly. "They will kill you if I don't."

I let the tears fall freely now.

"Ich liebe dich," I told him. "Ich liebe dich."

He smiled softly.

"Ich liebe dich."

"Let's go, Jay."

One of the men jerked a thumb towards a black sports car. Jay stood up. He held my hand for a moment longer. I felt him slip something into it. My hopes flared just a little. He might have a plan. I prayed to God he did. I don't know what I would do without him. Quickly, I put it in my pocket.

Jay smiled at me one last time before turning around to be escorted to the car. I watched him the whole way. My tears seemed to multiply by thousands as I saw the door close.

That might be the last time you see him. That was your last glance. Y'all will never meet again.

I wished my mind would just shut up. Sadly, though, it was telling me the truth. The truth which I did not want to accept. I wanted to believe that I would see him again. That we would go to the park, and sit by the lake in comfortable silence when this was all over. That we could live happily ever after.


It was Rob. Couldn't he just leave? I wanted to be alone right now. 

"What do you need?" I asked harshly.

"Do your parents know about.." he faded off.

Right. They would want to know. They would need to know.

"Yeah, I'm going to go tell them."

Leave. Please!

"I, um, might have some information that could come in handy. That is, if you want to see him again."

Wait a minute! He might have some information. Information that could help me find Jay!

"Come on, then."

We got home and told my parents what had happened. Including the part about Rob. I could tell he was nervous. I didn't blame him. I would be too if I had attempted to murder someone. Especially someone like Jay. My mom being like she is, though, didn't care. Well, she did, but it didn't show. She asked Rob if he needed to go.

He had to go home, but said that he would come back tomorrow with the info on Jay. Thank God, he was finally gone. I really didn't like him.

I went up to my room and sat down on the bed. I cried a little bit. Only when I stuck my hands in my pockets did I realize that I still hadn't seen what Jay had slipped to me.

It was a piece of paper. Okay, so he probably wrote something down. I slowly opened it. I closed my eyes. Part of me didn't want to see what he had written.

I cracked my eyes open, then all the way. I could barely contain myself when I saw what he had written on the paper.

Ich habe Ihr Telefon.


Hey! I know, it's terrible that Jay's been taken. But, can you figure out what the German means? It's pretty easy if you look at it. Please don't tell anybody if you figure it out! Liking it? Vote if you are! It motivates me to update faster, knowing that there are people who really want a new chapter. Thank you! :) :P :D

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