Chapter Five.....Heated fight

Start from the beginning


     That night I was awoken by the beatings at my window. It sounded like someone was throwing small rocks at my window. I got myself out of bed, grumpy. Who is it at this time of night! I peeked open the curtains. Snap, Jerk, I had totally forgotten about him. His house was just next to mine therefore his room was also right across from mine by several inches.

     "Open up your windows brat, I know you see me. Take responsibilities for your stupid action!"

     "W-what?! What are you talking about?" I try to act dumb but my expression was probably not satisfying enough as I was still shaking in fear, insecure of my fate.

     Another rock banged, aiming directly at my face. If it was not because of the covered glass of my window, it would probably hit my face spot on. That made me jumped. The look on Jerk's face clearly says that he was done playing games. I regretted ever thinking of pulling that 'prank' on him.

     "Stop acting dumb, that's not going to work with me. I'm giving you an easy way out here. It's either that, or I am going to make you face the consequences myself!" His tone was deadly that sent shivers through my body.

     I covered back the windows and ran to bed shivering as I shouted, " I don't know what you are talking about, you have no proof!"

     Deny,deny,deny. That's all I could do for now. I covered myself under my blanket and forced myself to sleep even through the sounds of rocks hitting my windows. I covered my eyes and covered my ears as I try to forget about reality and go to my la-la land where everything was just fine over there and way more peaceful and happy.


     Today was Monday; school was obviously coming my way. I got dressed and left early in the morning. I did not sneak out of the gates like last time, instead I ran like I had never before ran in my life! Snoopy was not there to chase me though. He was still on the vet for another week. I ran none the less, adrenaline rushing inside me. People on the streets looked at me like I was crazy, running with such force, with no one chasing me from behind. They have no idea what danger I was in, I just ignore their glares.

     I truly felt insecure about my safety. I was jumpy the entire day and kept locking myself in the toilet or hiding myself to be out of sight to the best of my capabilities. At class, there was nothing I could do. But other than that I got all sneaky and jumpy again. Raudhah and Layla noticed this and forced the story out of me during the first recess. I finally told them, but in return they just laugh at me.

     "Mirza's a Jerk, but I don't think he would go as far as to kill you. You’re obviously over-reacting! You just need to chill," said Layla.

     Another person passed by the hallway and I jumped again as I hid behind the walls. 

     Raudhah rolled her eyes, "okay now you are just acting ridiculous. Everything’s fine! Here, I'll show you.” 

     Raudhah grabbed into my right arm and forced me out from my hiding into open way. I was highly resistant. Layla had to grab my other left arm. They both had to drag me through the hallway. I was like a cat refusing to get into a bathtub. But the one me was obviously not strong enough against the two of my friends.

     Layla and Raudhah just did not get it; my fear. They are just naive to Jerk's true dark nature. On the other hand, I admit that I was acting a little bit off, but I could not help it! It was weird though, so far during the day, Jerk was not even acknowledging me, making me look like a fool for being all paranoid.

     I caught sight of Jerk at the end of the hallway talking to his group of friends. That was where I go all psycho and my resistance to meet him was just full blast. I forced out more friction out of my legs and struggled backwards against Layla's and Raudhah's force. I was like an animal in a zoo, refusing to re-enter its cage again. Maybe the one and only me still have a chance to go against my friends? Layla and Raudha's grip only got tighter refusing to let me go for any reason, not backing down. 

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