Big Brother, The Carriage is Breaking

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Koaru's P.O.V.

I tossed and turned in my bed, not being able to sleep. I sighed and looked at the clock. Maybe if I tell Hikaru, he'll let me sleep with him. I went into Hikaru's room and read a note,

Went to Haruhi's she was having a nightmare. Hope you'll be alright.


I crumbled up the noted and threw it done. I know how Haruhi felt, I mean I'm living a nightmare because of her. I flopped onto Hikaru's bed and slowly began to smell his scent. It was intoxicating and I just wished that he would be back and hold me again. I sighed as I fell asleep.

"Hikaru!" I yelled, trying to hang on for dear life. I had slipped and was about to fall off a cliff. He looked at me and I looked at him. "I got you Koaru!" He yelled and reached for my hand. I let go and reached for his hand so he could pull me up.

I was almost there when, "Hikaru!" Haruhi yelled, grabbing onto his arm. He looked at her and smiled "ey babe." "Hikaru!" I called desperately trying to reach his hand. Haruhi pulled him up, his hand now out of reach, my eyes widened as I felt myself grab the air as I fell off.

I shot up it was 5:00, about time for me to get ready for school. I got up, my hair sticking up everywhere. I sighed as I went into the bathroom, showered, and brushed my teeth. I then began to brush my hair, but I noticed a piece wouldn't go down. "Oh no." I mumbled darkly.

I got into the limo and drove to school. I went into school and saw Hikaru and Haruhi. I glared at the two as I walked ahead. I was tired and exhausted from the dream I had. I put my head on my desk and zoned out for the whole class period.

I got up and went to lunch. I sat at a table in the far corner as far away from them as possible. I ended up just going outside. "Koa-chan?" I looked to see Honey and Mori. "Yea?" I asked, but it was soft. "You okay?" Mori asked. "Yea feeling great especially since my own brother decided to abandoned me, breaking our bubble forever." I said and held back the tears.

That's all I wanted was to have our little world back. It was thoroughly broken beyond compare. The carriage had finally turned back into a pumpkin. "It'll be okay Koa-Chan, you'll meet a girl and you and her will live in a big house." Honey said. I shook my head.

"All I want is Hikaru, I don't want anyone else." I got up and dropped my barely touched food in the trash. I sighed as I sat down in my class to await the rest of torture.

----------------------------Host Club------------------------------------------

I sat in a chair in the corner. I saw that no one was over near Hikaru and Haruhi, in fact they were all near me. "Koaru. Are you alright." a girl asked me. "Yes, just a little down is all." I told them. "I-i-made you some cookies." another said handing me a box.

"'Thanks." I said before putting one in my mouth. It was pretty good and I smile weakly at her. The whole crowd around me aw'd and fawned over me. "It's alright Koaru, you don't need Hikaru, you have us!" A girl squealed. I sighed. "That may be true, but I'll always need my big brother."

The girls aw'd again. "Koaru, if it truly causes you so much pain, then why do you let them be together?" Cookie girl asked me. I sighed again before biting another cookie. "Because, no matter how miserable I really am, as long as Hikaru is happy I am too."I replied.

Hosting ended and the girls left me. I sat in my chair, slowly sliding out of it. I heard giggling and I looked to see Hikaru whispering to Haruhi. I stood up so quickly that my chair fell. I took a step towards the door and opened it.

"Koaru where are you going?" Hikaru asked me. "Home." I muttered about to leave, but he said something else. "I love you Koaru." I felt my stomach flutter, but then I remember he didn't love me how I loved him. "Whatever." I muttered before slamming the door.

The carriage, the spell, everything had worn off. I sighed as I kicked the street with my shoes. The pumpkin was back and life was the same. I took off running in a random direction with my eyes closed.

I soon found myself at the creek. I slowly layed down and shivered on the icy grass. I stared at the water as I let tears and words flow out. "Why'd you have to do that Hikaru? Why do you act like you care, why do you act like you want things to be the same? You're the one who changed the carriage back into a pumpkin anyway."

With that I soon felt myself being carried away to sleep.


FINISHED!!!!! yea i know that this probably sucked and that's why no one has bothered to send me anything regarding my further plea.

I need people to be girlfriends for Mori, Honey, Kyoya, and Nekozowa. Please help me...thank you

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