"How's Mama?" Evangeline asks.

"Who's Mama?"

"My grandma." Angie speaks, "Her and Pa are good. They are currently in Las Vegas. After that, they're going to New York. She said that they'll be here before the baby's born and they said that they sorry for missing the funeral. They tried to get on a flight back, but they were in Alaska and there was a massive storm."

"Next time they call, let me talk to them." Evangeline says.


"You better start getting ready, we only have forty five minutes before it's time to go." I look at my watch.

"Alright. While I'm getting ready, can you pack us some food to take?"


"I'll help." Angie stands up.

"You are just going to be in there eating food." Evangeline shakes her head.

"You know me too well." Angie kisses her on the cheek.

Angie and I go to the kitchen. I find a small picnic basket and start to look in the fridge for food to make and take.

"Do you want a pb&j?" I ask as I take the jelly out of the fridge.

"Yeah. Where did you find this?" she grabs the basket.

"Under the sink, why?"

"I've been looking all over for it. Peanut and I like to role play and I was Red Riding Hood and he was the Big Bad Boy."

"Ok, TMI."

"You know me and E.V. we are open books we tell people everything no matter what."

As I make the sandwiches and pack some fruit and drinks, Peanut comes in. He goes to the fridge and gets a beer.

"Hey, what are you guys up to today?" he sits next to Angie.

"Evangeline and I are going to the ranch with my sister and them, what about you?"

"I just came from seeing my mama and I'm going to take Angelica here to see what ever movie she wants."

"No you not, you have work tonight." Angie says.

"I got the night off."

"That's fine by me." she kisses him.

"Ok, I'm ready." Evangeline comes from the bedroom.

She has on a white tank top with a blue, white, and black plaid crop top shirt thingy, it's hard to explain. It ties in the front right under her breast and there are no buttons on it and it goes to her elbows. Whatever it's called. She also has on some dark denim shorts with black Levi's.

"Here put this on." I grab my cowboy hat.

"Now you look like you belong on a ranch." Angie says.

"All right. We going to my sister's house so she can follow us there." I grab the basket.

We get in the car and drive to my sister's house. I help them finish packing their van and then we're off. We reach the ranch and I notice that there's another car here.

"Who do you think is here?" Evangeline grabs my hand.

"I don't know, but we're about to find out." I park my car.

We all get out of the vehicles, and I walk up to the door. I knock on the door and Daisy answers.

"Hey sugar" she pulls me into a hug.

"Hey Daisy." Evangeline says.

Over these past few months, Evangeline and Daisy have made up. Daisy apologized for not only her actions, but Dandy's as well.

"This is my sister Jayla, her husband Kevin, and her kids Kayla and Kayden." I introduce.

"Are all of yall riding horses?" she asks.

"I'm riding with Kayden and Kevin's riding with Kayla." Jayla states.

"Okay, but you're going to need some help. I have a surprise for you." Daisy pulls us in quickly.

We sit in the kitchen while Daisy goes up stairs. A few minutes later, she comes back down with someone behind her. As they come into a clearer view, I see that it's Rex.

"Well, I see that you've gotten uglier over time." Rex smiles.

"I see that you haven't changed. Just as ugly as the day you were born." I get up and give him a guy hug.

"How've you been man?"

"Good, what about you?'"

"Same. I'm glad that I'm back though. Excuse my manners, I'm Rexington, but you all can call me Rex."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jayla, Jayden's sister, and this is my husband Kevin."

"Nice to meet you." Kevin sticks his hand out.

"You too." Rex shakes his hand.

"My daughter Kayla and my son Kayden." Jayla finishes.

"And who is this sexy lady?" Rex looks at Evangeline.

"This is Evangeline, my girlfriend." I kiss her cheek.

"So you're the girl that broke my sister's nose?"

"Yeah." Evangeline says awkwardly.

"Thank you so much." Rex pulls her into a hug.

"What?!" Evangeline looks puzzled.

"She really gets on my nerves and ever since I've know Jayden it's always been, 'Jayden and I belong together. Jayden is going to love me one day. That bitch has Jayden in her clutches.' and many more."

"Wow." I say.

"Now I love my sister, but she needed to be told by both you and Jayden, it wasn't healthy for her to expect something that was never going to come. I mean, she didn't need to get hurt physically, but now she knows and I think that she's moving on."

"Well, now that that's over, let's go ride some horses." Kevin picks up Kayden.

We go out to the barn and saddle up five horses. On the way here, Evangeline decided to ride one by herself. We get on the trail that leads to the animals and before we start I run to both cars and get our baskets and blankets.

"Why do you call it a ranch, when in reality, it's a farm?" Evangeline asks as we pet a goat.

"These animals belong to Wesley, their neighbor, but he says that we can come in here all that we want." I explain.

"Oh. That makes a lot of sense." she smiles at me.



Thanks for reading

I hope everyone is having fun.

It's that time once again

The QOTC is

What do you want to name or what have you named your kids? Give top five for both genders. (First Nantes only.)

If I have a girl I want to name her Honesty, Loyalty, Raiden, Evangeline, or Angelica. If I have a boy I want to name him Zavier, Bryce, Bryson, Jamal, or Zaiden.

Thank every last one of you amazing Dreamers



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