And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

 I took that chance to turn and run back into the house. "Im sorry!!" I shouted back to him. He was only trying to help.

I wasn't going to run away and let people fight and die for me. I did it before when my mom sacrificed to save my sister and I. I wasn't doing it again.

As I ran, I felt myself shift into my cat form. As the weeks passed, I had grown into a larger cat. Still not an adult yet, but no longer a kitten.

I was about to pass through the front door, when I heard a growl behind me. I turned and recognized the wolf as the one who broke through the backyard barrier the morning after the barbeque.

I nearly shrank back in fear before I realized what I was doing. I had to be strong and brave, just like the other wolves out there fighting for me.

I hissed at the wolf towering over me and arched my back, fur bristling. He barked out what seemed to be a mocking laugh before I launched myself at him, claws extended. I landed on his face, my claws embedded deep into his cheek. He howled in pain and tried to shake me off his face.

I freed one of my paws and slashed across his eyes with it. Fur flew everywhere as we fought. His larger paw managed to stomp on my daintier ones and and he gave me a bite on my tail, but I managed to claw his face into shreds and clamp my tiny sharp teeth onto his hind leg.

I expected him to turn and fight some more after he managed to shake me off, but instead, he ran out the door with his tail between his legs. Literally.

I hopped around in excitment and triumph when I realized that the battle was not over yet. There was still about 50 wolves fighting for their lives. Some were inside the house while the others were out. I ran into the large living room and saw a couple wolves in there, fighting. One of Blake's guards was caught in a fight with a slightly larger wolf, but he he still looked like he was going to win.

On the other side of the room, two wolves had managed to corner one. The much smaller, golden wolf was Rose. Although it looked like she was losing the battle, she still bared her teeth and snapped at them, refusing to let them get closer to her. One of them reached out and grabbed her by the scruff and flung her across the room against the wall. I was about to run to her when I heard a menacing howl behind me.

I turned around and saw Adrian at the doorway, getting ready to pounce. I curled up into a tight ball, knowing that I wasn't going to win this one. To my surprise, instead of running towards me, he jumped over my body and leaped in front of Rose's still, tiny body. His eyes had murder in them as he stared the two wolves down.

He snarled and swiped his paw, catching one by the head. They both backed down to their leader and half crawled, half ran out of the room. I scurried over to Rose and dropped into a fighting stance, prepared to protect her. Instead of trying to fight back, Adrian batted me out of the way. I watched in confusion as Adrian bent his head and licked her on the snout, whining softly. He nudged and licked her until Rose stirred and lift her head.

Rose's POV

I felt something warm and wet lick my snout before a furry head nudged my body. I opened my eyes and lifted my head before dropping it weakly back down. My whole body ached and I felt like every single bone in my body had broken.

The same tounge licked my snout again and I opened my eyes. Adrian.

Yes my little flower. It's me.

You came back.

Im so sorry Rose. I shouldn't have left you.

But you did. And the only reason you came back was to kill Lorraine.

I-I didn't want it to happen this way.

Where's Lorraine?! Where is she?!

Shes sitting a couple feet from me, staring at us like she can't believe whats happening. He chuckled.

I turned my head a litte and saw Lorraine exactly doing what Adrian said. She smiled weakly at me and I did the same before  turning back to him.

Why did you leave me?

I was stupid. I thought I could handle being away from you but I can't. You're my everything.

I felt my heart soar as he looked at me with love and affection in his eyes.

I love you.

I love you too. I raised my head as he bent his and I licked him on his nose.

"Get away from my sister!!" Blake.


Lorraine's POV

My head whipped towards the door and I saw Blake standing there. His left ear was scratched but not to badly. He appeared to be favoring his hind paw a little, but other than that, he seemed okay. I breathed in a sigh of relief.

I relaxed too soon. Before I registered what was happening, Blake was running towards them. I expected Adrian to stand and fight. Instead, he lowered his head next Rose's and simply layed there.

I heard Rose suck in her breath as she tried to put herself in front of Adrian's body. Adrian gently nudged her back down and soothed her.

Without thinking, I ran and leaped in front of the large barreling wolf. I shut my eyes tight and prepared for the impact. Nothing.

I cautiously opened my eyes and found Blake a few fur-lengths in front of me, breathing deeply.

What are you doing here Kitten??!!

I-uh came back-and-uh decided to help fight.

Blake growled in annoyance and started licking me all over.

You could've been hurt! Or worse! Killed! You are in so much trouble. And what were you thinking? Jumping in front of me like that? I could've squished you!

You sound like my mom.

He let out another growl and continued checking for injuries. I looked over at Rose and Adrian. It was his turn to look at us in surprise while Rose gazed at him lovingly, licking between his ears.

Blake finally remembered that we had an audience and jumped in front of me, glaring at Adrian.

Rose and Blake seemed to be having a telepathic argument. All I could hear was statements from Blake.

He's dangerous Rose.

Yes he is. He's going to leave and betray you again.

No, I will not forgive him. Im surprised you did.




Blake finally sighed and glared at Adrian.

I'll let him live for now. But probably not for long. We will have a meeting in 30 minutes to decide what to do with you. In the meantime, call off your wolves before anyone else dies. With that final note, Blake turned and picked me up by my scruff, bringing me out of the room to most likely yell at me some more.

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