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"Welcome to hell kids." Zen says as we land on a platform. The academy exterior is mainly white with a enormous window with four platforms with a dining hall in each. The top is the academy and the side is a training room.

The bottom is a car lot. Sky clears the sky before summoning the sun to shine.

I lean out the window with astonishment. "Amazing." I say. The five of us step out on the platform.

"Welcome to Omega & Alpha Academy. We are glad you decided to show up." Says a man with a white jumpsuit on.

Zander breaths in deeply. "Ah the smell of fresh air." He says with a smile. Skylarr wraps her arm around my as we walk through the door.

A boy with long blonde hair flys across the room. I look over to the other side to see another blond with muscles the size of a arm.

"Ah Zayn. Can you not throw Falcone?" Zen asks him. Zayn nervously shakes his head. "I would you like to meet Endro Pulse, Splozo, Electress, and Metalhead. They are our new recruits."

Zen grabs a walking stick that is thrown to him as he creates a robe out of thin air. "Right this way." Zayn says with his light British accent.

As we take a thirty minute tour, I spot something that is fascinating. "Hey Zayn, what's this?" I asks, referring to a giant glowing trident on display.

The trident is about nine feet long with the ends being two feet and the handle being bulky and  seven feet.

"That's the trident of Waker, a superhero with the powers of energy and teleportation. They say that whoever is worthy of the trident, that person will push their powers to the limit and become super powerful."

I stare at the trident. "There are three others scattered across the building. One is the sword of Micheal, an angel, the brass knuckles of Thane, a weather controller, and the scepter of Metallo, a robot wizard."

Holy hell in going to like it here. I say to myself. As we exit the room, Sky pulls me aside.

"Once we find Nate, Scott and the girls," she whispers. "We grab those things and go."

I shake me head. "We can't. Remember our mission. We destroy them from the inside and then we leave." I respond.

"Alright. Let's get back with the group." She recommends. The two of us join the group in the training room.

"This is the Omega Recreation Room." Zayn lets me and everyone else into the room. "May I?" I ask him as I point at the hologram room.

"Go ahead." I Warp into the room before creating a energy-staff. Sixteen robots with gun-arms pop up from the metallic floor.

I quickly Gize into four of the bots and use the staff on the rest. "I'm gonna need more of a-" Within seconds I'm laying on the floor.

Looking up, I summon my Gize Fist. A monster that strongly resembles a wolf mixed with a eagle stands on its hind legs.

"What is that thing?!" I yell at Zayn. I start to fly into the air. "Oh that's our little pet, Rhino. He won't bite, I promise."

Sky shoots a cloud heavier than a baseball at Rhino's head. Rhino falls to the ground in pain.

I suddenly feel a surge of my chi shoot from my fingers into the monster. Everyone in the room looks at me.

As I stare down at my hands, the energy in the room charges into my body. "Oh no." I say.

Moments later my eyes shoot out a yellow energy into the ceiling, breaking it. "What's happening?!" Zayn asks with a frightened tone.

"I don't know! This is the second time it's happened!" But I know what's going on.

So a few years back when I made a nanotech chip implant, it was surgically planted into my body. If energy were to connect with it, the chip would overcharge my body bad search for a source.

"Ahh!" I scream before I fall to the ground. Sky begins to run towards me. "Are you ok?!" She screams.

"I think so....don't know." Sky kisses my forehead before hugging me. "We need to find out what's happening to him." She says.

Zen super-speeds into the room. "I think I know. Bring him and follow me." He replies.

Zander picks me up and carries me to Zen's room. Zen's room is filled with pictures cut from newspapers, posters of movies, notes scattered across the floor, and a knife laying on his bed.

"Nice place." Zander says with a sarcastic tone. Zen begins to cut my arm open. The pain shoots to my head immediately.

"Ah!" I scream. He sticks a syringe into my arm, numbing me. My skin slowly absorbs the plastic bed.

"Matter absorption?" Zen asks as he takes my chip out of me. "Yeah. How'd you know where the chip was?" I reply.

"X-ray vision." He replies. He makes a ball of blue energy and pushes it into my chest. "I just gave you Quintessence force. You can now use pure energy." Zen says.

Suddenly a blue beam of electrical energy shoots from my hands. "You need to rest. The force isn't strong enough yet to use. Zayn! Take them to their room."

Zayn escorts us our room and we unpack. "I got to go but remember what we agreed on." Jones says as Zayn leaves.

"Yeah yeah. Destroy the place from the inside. We got it." Jade says. I lay down next to Sky as I  drift off to sleep.

I start to dream about what's going to happen after I find my parents. What about Nate and the gang? My thoughts are swirling out of control.

The feeling of losing anyone right now would kill me. My sister is gone. My family. The three people who loved me the most have been taken from me. It's my mission to get them back.

No matter how long it takes. Two months later.......

Alphas Book One: The FindingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon