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"Max? You okay bud?" Sky's voice wakes me up from my sleep. I can feel a sharp pain on my side. "You got hurt pretty bad little dude." Zander says with a smile. Trying to sit upwards, the nurse walks in. "Don't move sweetie. You're hurt. Can you tell me what happened?" She asks. I shake my head. "I don't remember." I whisper. I'm not about to tell her and then get jumped by the whole football team. It's happened before and it's not fun to do.

The three of us walk out of the nurses office after she bandages my side. "My mom is here to pick us up. You kinda were out for 6 hours." Zander says. Sky smiles but has a concerning look in her face. "We head to your house, stay for a while and then head home?" She asks him. "No!" I yell. "We'e going to that freakin' party!" They both stare at me like I'm insane.

"You-you're serious?" Zander asks, shocked. I open the school's front door and walk out with them. "Yeah. We're going." We all jump into the car with Zander in the front and Sky and I in the back. "So how was school?" Ms.Porter asks. "Good." We all say.

After thirty minuets of sitting in the car talking, we finally arrived at Zander's house. I took out my favorite book, The Second Wave out of my bag before entering the house. His house was actually astonishing. Everything was either wood or a pearly white marble. I sat down next to Sky on the wooden couch with white pillows to sit on. "How's your side?" She asks me. "Pretty good." There's an awkward silence that occurs in the room before Zander walks in.

"I was just telling my mom about tonight and she is fine with us taking the Camaro in the garage. I'll let Max drive." He says, turning on the tv. The news channel comes on. "Are supers among us? Find out at two on channel three-eleven!" Says the news anchor wearing a blue flower dress. I look at my watch to see its only 1:57.

Skylarr stands up and stretches after a quick nap. She walks into the kitchen, to find some food. "Hey Z where's the bread?" She asks. Zander doesn't take his eye off the tv. "It should be in the bread box to the right of the stove." He replies. Sky opens the bread box and freezes. I look back at her. "Everything okay?" I ask. "Guys get over here!" She yells.

Zander and I both run into the kitchen to see a bloody napkin in the bread box. "Where did that come from?!" I shout at Zander. He has a confused and scared look on his face. "I don't know!" He yells back. "Oh," Zander wipes off the knife and stats to laugh.

"I was making some fish and I didn't drain it's blood before cutting it open. My bad." Sky grabs the bread, jelly and, peanut butter. She starts to spread the things on the bread swiftly. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!" Sky exclaimed, pointing the knife at him. Zander threw his hands up, shaking his head. "What time does this party start?" I say. Without looking, Skylarr says; "around ten tonight. You think you should drive?"

Now knowing me, if I'm behind the wheel, I'll be driving faster than everyone. My mind went blank the minute she said that. "Uh yeah!" I say with a proud tone. Zander stares at me like I'm insane. "What?" I ask him. A scream comes from outside. "What the-" The door swings open with his older sister, Emily running in, excited.

She jumps up and down on the porcelain white rug in front of the door with small letter in her hand. "I got accepted into Degreed University!" She screams as her mother walks down the stairs in her robe. "Oh my God honey!" Mrs.Porter starts to jump with her daughter with happiness. Zander even joins in. I look over to Sky to see that she has stopped midway in taking a bite into her sandwich.

After a few HOURS of over-flowing joy, the Porters sit down on the couch. "Alright," Zander looks at his watch and it's already 9:45. "Let's head out so we don't miss the party." He says grabbing the keys to the Camaro and throwing them to me. Emily walks into the room with a black and red dress on. "I wanna come." She says.

Zander quickly turned to look at his sister. "What do you mean you want to come?!" He says with a annoyed tone. "I want to come! Either I go or I tell mom you're going to a party with underage drinking." She says, folding her arms.

"Fine!" Zander says. Emily swing the door open to the garage, hopping in the front of the Camaro. The Camaro has a red and blue color exterior with a yellow interior that had almost 230 miles a gallon. "Who's ready?" Emily asks. "Woah why the hell are you in the driving seat? I'm driving!" I yell. She rolls her eyes before going into the passenger seat.

Thirty minuets into the drive, I start to feel a sharp pain in my side. Must be that stupid bruise I think to myself. But within seconds the pain grows stronger, causing me to scream. "Argh!" I try to stay on the road. Sky lays her hands on my shoulders. "You okay?" She asks with a concerned tone.

I glance back at her and put a half smile on. "I think so. Just a little pain that's all." The road seems to get longer every mile. "Turn left." Says the gps. "I don't see a road." Zander says a little confused. I turn left anyway into a field. But in the far distance, there is a large house with flashing lights. "It's down about three miles." Emily points out.

Within three minutes, we pulled up to the house. And holy crap it was amazing. The house was badge with wood everywhere, decorating the house. We walk in to see almost everybody from the school. Music is blasting, people are raving even drinking.

"I feel like something is going to pop off." Sky says as Emily leaves. "Well there goes one fourth of the group. We won't be seeing much of her anymore. She had found the beer and drugs..." Zander looks over at Roslin and Stickler, two idiots that are friends with Bret.

His eyes widened in fear. "Oh crap!" He yells in a scared tone. I notice the two and now I know what could happen. "All right here's the plan," Sky starts to walk away from us. "Don't worry, I got this." She puts her hair into a ponytail. "Hello boys." The two looked surprised to see her talking to them.

"He-hey Skylarr. How-how do like the party?" Stickler says. "Good, good. Could you two do me a favor and not tell Bret about my friends over there being here? Thanks!" Sky walks away without letting them say anything. "Well that went well." Zander says. "Alright let's have some fun!" Sky screams.

I've seen everything I can handle so far and some stuff that I couldn't. Someone actually leaped onto the wooden table, breaking it. I'm pretty sure it was some jock too. Everything actually seems to be going well. I can hear sirens from the outside. "Is that..... Them?" I ask Zander. He shakes his head nervously. Suddenly we hear screams from inside the front of the house. "We need to leave! Now!" Zander yells. "Wait! We need to get Sky and Emily!" I reply.

We both ran to the front of the house. I look at my phone just in time to see Skylarr calling. "Where are you guys?!" She yells. I could here the panic in her voice. "Z and I are in the front of the house! Police are swarming the place!" I say. A officer started to run towards us. Both of us start sprinting the other way, knocking over anything in the way. I pushed the door to the closet in as the officer kept running straight.

"Sky! Meet us in the back of the house!" I yell before hanging up the phone. Zander sticks his head out of the door and stepped out. I step out behind him. The whole house is super quiet. One third of the partiers have been arrested and are on the ground, cuffed. A man steps in with two pistols in his hands. "Wipe them." He whispers to a officer.

The police officer pulled out a metallic square controller with eight buttons in two vertical rows. He stood in front of the people. One by one, he pointed the controller at the people doing whatever. The two of us walk out the back door and spot Skylarr

Alphas Book One: The FindingWhere stories live. Discover now