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Alpha after Alpha ran out of each cell. I look on in horror as they started to fold the bottom floor. "My brethren! Rejoice! For we are free!" Shifter screams proudly.

He glares at me and then to the same woman that was with him when he escaped. "Miss Chi kill them." Chi takes a Chi-ball in her hand before blasting me into the wall.

"Okay so you wanna play that game?" I ask her. I Gize. Miss Chi throws a knife a me powered by chi.

It hits me in the arm. "Jesus!" I yell in pain. Just then over seven hundred Alphas surround us.

Sky, Zander and myself stand back to back, ready to fight. Each Alpha powers up. Shifter stands tall over us on the second floor.

The room goes silent. "Boys," Shifter says. "do your worst." Suddenly each Alpha charged at us.

Zander flys up into the air, Wrapping anyone he can see. Sky throws out any and every symbol she can before I step in.

"Max watch out!" Zander yells at me. Everything starts to move in slow motion as I turn to him. He takes a dive into the crowd with telekinetic constructs of supernatural beasts surround him!

He lands with a giant arm of clear telekinetic energy cutting through some Alphas into pieces. "Shit!" Sky screams.

I start a shoot a blast of kinetic energy (Burst) into Alphas before running to Shifter upstairs. His eyes widen as he noticed that I was teleport up the wall.

Shifter falls to the ground and stars to scoot away from me. I Gize 5 times, missing every shot. "Look-look we can work this out!" He yells as Sky runs to my side.

She summons a miniature storm cloud in her left hand. "What can you do for us? Huh?" Skylarr throws the cloud at him after I pick him up. "Okay! I'll do anything!" Shifter yells.

"Oh really?" Zander says, sheathing his wings. "Yes! Yes! Anything!" I throw Shifter into the ground before I Flow into his chest.

I Flow one more time before he catches my arm midway. "Silly child," Shifter says. He squeezes my arm tight. "I'll do to you what I do to all, kill."

Shifter then throws me over the railing into the crowd of Alphas. "Nooo!" Sky screams. I lay surrounded by the prisoners. My whole body feels different as I stand up.

I look down at them to see that my skin is made of titanium steel from the floor! "This, is going to be fun." Within moments I starts knocking the Alpha prisoners out cold into the floor. I Gize three of them into cells.

Looking around, I see that no one is standing ex let for me and Skylarr, Zander and Shifter. Shifter slowly claps as he jumps down to my level.

"Bravo! Bravo!" He says to me. I get ready to Flow from my arms. "Don't move!" A guard steps in with the same gun as the other. We all turn to him.

Shifter tilts his head a little before shooting the same goo from before onto the guard's armor, melting it.

"Pitiful." Shifter says, stepping over the guy's body. "Where do you think you're going?" Zander says, making a restrain constructs from his telekinetic energy that connects to Shifter.

He goes flying back towards us as Sky throws him to the ground. My skin starts to change back to normal as I metal bands wraps around my wrists.

Sky makes a chair out of clouds and sits Shifter down in it. We start to interrogate him.

"Why did you put us in the cell?" I ask.

"You are a threat."

"How are we a threat?" Zander asks.

"Any Alpha is a threat to me."

"Even Miss Chi?" Sky asks.

"I'm a threat to myself so yes."

"What were your plans after you left?" I ask.

"To start a new rebellion, but it's already started." Shifter smiles as a tv turns on.

"A new breed of humans have been killing the innocent. They call themselves 'The Omegas'. These Alphas are creating havoc around the whole world. Country after country are falling under their power. Will there be someone or a group of people who can stop them?" Says a news reporter.

"Who's the leader?!" I yell at Shifter. "No one will say." He says. Zander sighs as we leave him there for the Feds.

"Oh and Max." He says. I turn back towards him. "That matter absorbing power you have, it'll come in handy. The Omegas say that one least can change parts of their body into anything. You can do the same but only when you absorb a piece of matter." Shifter smiles.

"Maybe your not as much of a threat after all." He says. I smile back and throw him a coin I had in my jumpsuit pocket. "When you get out, that's gonna help you find me. Maybe you'll come to our side." I say.


"My parents are gonna flip." Sky whispers. I snicker. "Our parents aren't just gonna flip, they're gonna hang us from a tree." I reply. Zander sheathes his wings as we step inside the door to my parents section.

My heart drops. The whole place is trashed and no one is here. A small fire is in a trash can filled with dossier folders. "No no no! Where the hell are they?!" I scream. The front door swings open with Joann and Jones walking in.

They had three piece black suits on. "Children, you need to come with us. Immediately." Joann says. "Where are my parents?!" I yell at them as we all walk to a SUV

"That'll all be answered shortly. Just get in the car." Jones says to me. I open the door for Sky and Zander before getting in the back with them.

The interior was black with a window separating the front from the back. Jones gets into the driver's seat and Joann turns her seat our way.

"Kids, your parents have been taken by The Omega. We need you." I could feel all our hearts drop.

Alphas Book One: The FindingWhere stories live. Discover now