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These idiots are standing in my door, with suits on. Not regular suits but like what a superhero would wear. "Nice leotards, nimrods." I say to them. "Hey butthead! Where is my girl?" Bret yells at me. He picks me up by my collar as his friends start to walk in. "What are you doing?!" Zander shouts. Tommy punches him in the face before smashing a hole in my wall. "What's your problem dude?" I ask him. Bret throws me into the floor. "Grab her and let's go!" He says before walking to his car.

"Hey get out of here!" Trina yells at the kids. They all burst of laughing like it was funny. "What are you going to do?" Tommy says. He then picked her up This grabs my attention. "Leave her out of this!" I scream at him. "No!" He replies.

My palms start to glow green. I put my hands out to my side as two green balls of energy start to form in them. Tommy looks at me with a shocked expression. "Oh sh-" he puts down my sister as I launch energy at his face. This feels so cool but it's like I can't control it. I say to myself.

Tommy and the guys run out of the house as I still throw the energy at them. They all jump in the car before driving away. "What. Just. Happened?!" Zander exclaims. "I think I know what's going on." I say.

"Ok so that blast granted special abilities to some people. The same thing happen 50 years ago with the exception of not a explosion but a DNA breakthrough. The story is three doctors were studying how the body's DNA completes. They tried to add a genome to each shot given to a child. What they did was mutate the DNA, creating Alpha-humans. So what if that same thing happen to us? What if our DNA was raptured and mutated into something better?" I say to Zander, Trina and Sky.

A few minuets pass before another word is spoke. Trina stands to face me. "Okay so if you're saying they we have completely mutated DNA, shouldn't our skin look different?" She asks me. "Not all people's skin becomes mutated after a mutation. But some people will." Maybe I'm speaking too soon. Sky looks out the window with a happy expression.

"Why are you so happy?"I ask.

"Because Bret's gone and there is a guy outside ding stuff."

"What is he doing?"

"He has a glove on."

"Is he using it?"

"Yeah he's shooting controlling a multi-colored circular saw's at cans."

"Maybe he has powers too."

"Yeah. Wanna go out there?"

"No I'm not leaving this house. Anything could happen."

"That's true. I'll stay in." Sky says. Suddenly one of the phones in the house starts to ring. Zander quickly answers the phone.

"Hey. Yeah. Yeah. Oh ok.We'll be right there." He hangs up the phone as a strange expression came across his face. "Your parents. They need you- um I mean us to come to Area 48 pronto." He says to Skylarr and I. "Well, what are waiting for? Let's go!" I say. "Wait," Zander stops me from getting up.

"The Camaro is still at Bret's and we have no way of getting there." Zander notes. "Actually, we do. Go to the back of the house and grab the bikes. We're leaving," I stare into Sky's eyes. "Now."

Trina watched us leave as we took this journey to Area 48. "Have fun and don't say anything about what happened here!" She screams as we peddle away. "Don't worry, we'll  be quiet." Zander says to her. "Oh and Sky," Trina smiles at her. "I'm sorry about earlier." Sky smiles back. "Don't sweat it."

It has taken us two hours to actually reach the gate. A front gate. There are three giant speakers on each side of the electrical metal fence. It could kill you within moments of coming in contact.

"State your business or be obliterated." The guard says to us. "I'm looking for Abigail and Chris Pierce. They sent out a message to arrive here to attend their needs." I reply. "Access granted. Please stand by."

We all step back from the gate and wait a few seconds for it the gate to open. Now on the inside, it's another ballgame. I mean, it's amazing what's in here.

Area 48 holds the most powerful weapons on the planet and unexplainable, horrid creatures. There are thirteen differ testing rooms in each section of 48. My parents work in room 13A which is the last room on the left of the gate.

We pass room 12B as the head worker walks into our line of sight. "Oh no," I whisper. "It's Joan. Stay calm." Joan stops right in front of me, flipping her suit collar down. Her voice sounds very high pitched. "How did you get in here?! You shouldn't be able to just walk right into a classified area!" She screams.

"Nice to see you too, Joan. Can you please get out of the way?" I ask her nicely. But it seems anyway I go she follows. "Move it, giraffe!" Zander blurts out. She walks away with a attitude and flip of the hair.

"Ugh, I hate her." I say. "I see why." Skylarr replies. We walk to the door of 13A and knock. "Come in." My mom says, opening the door. A look of amazement and happiness shot across her face. As we sat down she slammed the door closed.

The room looks great. It has a perfect chemistry set, nanotechnology cloaking and weapons, three metal tables, five hazard suits, a TV and lastly, a intercom. "I have to say, you guys keep this place in check." Zander says to my parents as he sits down at a table. "I can't believe it!" Mom yells. "What can't you believe Ms. P?." Sky says.

"I didn't think or believe you would be able to actually leave the house!" She grabs a detector of some sort before scanning our bodies. "You are all perfectly fine! I mean when you woke you were fine but I never thought you'd be out of the bed!" Sky, Zander and myself look at her in confusion.

"Why would you think that?" Sky asks her. Mom looks GRY dead in the eye and says; "Because you three are supposed to be dead." This can't be true.

Alphas Book One: The FindingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant