He grabbed the black mask that was lying on top of the bag and put it on, hiding his face behind it. Then the took the bag in his hand and got out of the car. The streets were quiet and the lights from the near houses were all out, meaning that everyone was asleep.

That's it.

Ethan took a deep breath and crossed the street quickly. As he reached the gate's door he glanced around him. He remembered that Angelina used the back door to sneak out of the house so he could get inside the house from that door, but first he would have to climb the gate in order to actually get there.

Placing the strap of the bag over his shoulders he grabbed the thick bars of the gate and pushed himself up with a bit of difficultly. He started climbing slowly up until he reached the pointed ends of the iron gate. He didn't want to cause any noise and he knew he had to be fast so he didn't waste any time. Carefully he placed his leg over the other side, avoiding the sharp edges and then jumped landing on his feet on the grass. He smiled in triumph at how easy that was and stood up again, straightening his posture, before making his way towards the back door.

"Alexander is not paying me good enough." he murmured to himself. Once he reached the wooden, white door he placed the bag down on the ground and knelt down, opening it. He took out a flashlight and a lock pick tool, licking his lips as he prepared everything that he would need. Taking the small tool in his hand he placed it slowly inside the lock while holding the flashlight with his other hand. He twisted the lock pick tool a few times, turning it in all the directions, until a clicking sound was made, signalling that the door was opened. 

Ethan froze in his tracks. He wasn't expecting it to be that easy. No alarm? His eyes widened in surprise and he pushed the door with his clothed hand. He had made sure to wear gloves and hide any evidence. He had done this a million times and he knew what to expect. If anything went wrong and they found out that he had been in the house the first thing they would look for would be fingerprints. 

He stood up on his feet and grabbed the bag from the ground, directing the flashlight towards the dark room in front of him. He scanned the surroundings and placed one foot inside hesitantly before getting completely inside. He was in small corridor. As he walked further inside the house he looked around him. He knew that Harry had security cameras, he just didn't know where exactly. Maybe he had one in his office and in the main room or maybe he had them everywhere. 

Ethan could feel his heart beating fast with each step he took. He knew that even if there were cameras around the house they couldn't see his face but he was still worried. He hadn't planned this well. Once he was standing in the middle of the main room he let out a breath of relief and headed towards the staircase. He would go directly to Harry's room, he wouldn't risk entering his office. That's were he kept everything so he surely had put cameras there but not many people put cameras in their bedroom's. 

Angelina being the good girl she usually is had informed Alexander about everything and had described the house perfectly, telling them where every room was located. Ethan knew that Harry's room was on the third floor and he wasted no time. He wanted this done and over with. 

His heavy, loud footsteps echoed in the silent house as he entered inside Harry's bedroom. The creaking sound of the door made him shiver and he cursed under his breath. There goes the plan of being quiet. 

"Thank god no one is in the house." Ethan whispered to himself, approaching the big wardrobe at the other side of the room. He threw the bag down on the floor and opened the drawers, looking inside them. Then his eyes caught sight of something under his bed. He approached it and sat down on the floor pulling the black box from under the bed. A frown appeared on his face as he opened it and looked inside. It was filled with photographs but inside was also a small mp3 player and a light pink girly t-shirt. He placed the flashlight on top of the bed and took a photograph from the box.

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