(27)We're in Sync.

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*Some PG-16 stuff! Kind of.. yeah, just a little graphic hahahaha

27. We're In Sync.

"W-what?!" I stuttered, frozen in his arms.

Russell stroked my hair lovingly. "I said, I love you, Libby Sathers."

My eyes widened as I stared at the seam line on his shirt. Was this really happening to me? Was I ready to officially tell him that I love him after Ethan?

Yes, I finally was.

"I love you too, Russell Remurs." I barely whispered, but right into his ear so I knew he heard.

He shivered and twisted his head away from me. "That tickled!"

I laughed and pulled out of his arms. "Only you would turn such an important, intense conversation into a light, giggly one."

Russell shot me with a crooked grin. Damn, how did I hold out this long?

I kissed his neck lightly. "I love Russell Remurs." I repeated, trying to get my head around it.

Holy shit.

Russell pulled my mouth from his neck to his mouth, kissing me with such gentleness and sweetness I thought I was in paradise. He laid me in bed and his kisses turned more urgent and hungry, making me react in the same way.

Soon, we were only in our undergarments and on the verge of taking them off too. I tugged on his boxers, but before he could, the doorbell rang. And we both knew Tom would never get it.

I groaned and with a curse I got up, pulled on some clothes, and told Russell to stay in bed while I got the door. I cleared my throat and tried to fix my hair and calm the flush in my cheeks as I made my way to the door.

When I opened the door, my mouth split into a huge grin. "Tristan!" I cried, flinging my arms around him.

Tristan laughed and Liam was right behind him. "Liam!" I squealed, socking him in the shoulder.

Liam pouted. "How come Tristan got a hug, and all I got was a punch?"

I laughed and hugged him tightly. "Better?!" I asked, laughing delightedly as he swung me up in the air.

Tristan cleared his throat. "I've come to tell you something, Libby." he said, a determined edge in his voice.

Curious, Liam put me down and I led them into the living room. I sat across from them and looked between the two boys. "Whatsup, guys?" I asked, noticing their solemn expressions.

Tristan took a deep breath and I turned my full attention to him. Obviously, he was the only one that needed to tell me something and Liam was just there as his wingman or whatever.

Tristan looked at me with his warm dark brown eyes. Then, as he fingered his earring, he blurted out, "Libby, I love you."

I giggled lightly. "Tristan, I love you too!" How silly, they scared me! I thought they were going to say something like, "I'm moving." or "My mom passed away."

Liam groaned, putting his head into his hands. I frowned. "What's up with you?"

"Libby." Tristan said, directing my attention to him again.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I mean, really love you. Like love you love you." Tristan elaborated, his tan cheeks bright red.

My eyes widened. All I could say was, "Oh."

And then I was crying. I just kept bawling, not being able to control it. This fucking sucked! I gave a huge sob, covering my face with a pillow. I batted my fists on my thigh, regretfully.

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