(6)Well Hello There Mr. Asian!

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I woke up with a killer headache and blurry vision.  I stumbled out of bed, rubbing my neck and took a nice long shower. Afterwards, I pulled on skinny jeans, a blue faded tshirt with a black beaded necklace. I zipped up my lime green hoodie and walked out of the house without a word to Iris.

 "Honey!" I heard a shout call. I halted in my tracks. Honey? She never called me honey! Had bringing a hot guy home earn me some respect and maybe.. some love?  

"Yes?" I asked in the most civilized tone possible, trying not to get my hopes up.

Iris caught up with me on the bottom of the driveway. "It sounded like you and that sexy hunk were getting it on last night." she said a little breathlessly. No respect or love. Just the dirt. I covered up my shameful disappointment with a smirk and didn't deny or support anything.

"So do you think.. I can have a turn tonight?" she asked me with a smile and hope shining in her eyes.

My smirk slid off my face like a melting icecream cone. "What, did you just say?" I asked, my teeth gritted.

Her smile faltered. "I-" she started again.

I put a hand up swiftly. Surprisingly, she stopped. "Do you have no respect for yourself?" I snarled, giving her my most disappointed glare.

Iris seemed oblvious of my disgust. "I just think he'll be good in bed. Plus, it'll prove to him it was a mistake choosing you over me." she said shrugging, as if she thought nothing of it.

I felt steam rolling off my shoulders. "Grow up, ugly bitch. The world doesn't revolve around your fat ass." I spat, ignoring her look of shock, I sauntered down the driveway feeling light hearted.


"Libby!" I heard a heart stopping voice shout from down the hallway.

I ducked my head and walked faster. But a football player can surely outrun a girl like me, strong only in words and upper body. Russell caught up with me, hooking a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes?" I asked politely.

Russell seemed taken aback by my tone, but quickly carried on. "Want to hang out tonight?"

His eyes were bright and glowing with hope. I sighed. I decided to explain myself now. "Russell, you should know something about me. I don't date, hang out with, or tolerate players." Part of my heart crushed along with the hope in his eyes that flickered into nothing.

 "Li-" I'll never know what he was about to say. "Roosey!" I heard someone squeal.

I cocked an eyebrow. "See what I mean? I can't deal with it. I've already had my share." I murmured, catching his hurt gaze with sincere apology. I'm so sorry Russell. This hurts me too. It actually surprised me, how much it hurt. I didn't think he meant that much to me.

A blur of blonde and boobs rushed by me as Audrey tackled Russell against the lockers. She came full onto his lips like a starving eel. He broke away from her and looked at me, pleading. "Libby!"

But i've seen enough. I was doubting myself before, but now I knew I made the right decision. I backed away slowly, my eyes never leaving Russell's.


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