(12)Pedafile Sam

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I went down the block and passed the icecream shop again. I doubled back. Yeah, I could use some icecream.

I put my stuff behind a bush. I looked around the pitch black parking lot. I could make out a 2 trucks and a van.

I went inside and I ducked my head immediately when I saw Tom there with 2 of his man slut buddies.

"Yeah, Sam said he almost got some girl to eff him right in the car, but he was running late so he just kicked her out and drove off." Tom was saying.

I raised my eyebrows. Could it be...?

"No way, man. Where did he leave her? What's her name? Maybe I could take the rebound." One of the said, punching Tom's shoulder.

Tom chuckled. "It was right by my house, actually. Cassy, I think her name was. Something like that."

My jaw dropped. No. Way. They knew Pedafile Sam!

"What she look like?" asked the other man next to Tom.

God, I thought they were joking!

"Sam just told me she had a cap on and spandex. Sounds hot." Tom said, grinning.

"Here's your chocolate icecream, dad." I heard a familiar voice say.

I stopped dead. I spun the baseball cap on my head and pulled it down. I thought about making a run for it. God damn, when has Russell influenced my decisions?

I walked confidently to the counter. "Cookie's and Creme, please."

The man gave it to me wordlessly. I gave him a crumpled 5 dollar bill I miraculously found with the quarter. "Keep the change."

I spotted a juke box in the corner of the room. I brightened up.

"Actually, can I have 50 cents?" I asked just as the man closed the register.

"Annoying teenagers." he muttered as he took out a key.

"Excuse me?" I asked, letting my voice get the tiniest louder.

"Nothing. Here's your change." the man said, turning to the boy behind me.

"I'm still talking, here." I said, taking my cap off.

"Did you just call me annoying?" I asked, gritting my teeth. I crushed my cone, and I felt icecream dribble down my fingers.

When the man didn't answer, I continued. 2 times in a day was way too much.

"I gave you 3 dollars extra, and I asked for only 50 cents of it back. Is that such a big deal? You know what? I'm going to be even more annoying. Give me back my other 2 fucking 50!" I snapped, well aware I was making a huge scene.

"Hey.. is that? Libby?" I heard Tom ask.

I turned around, ignoring the cashier's outstretched hand filled with my $2.50.

"Hi, Tom!" I waved. I dropped the cone in the trashcan.

"This is bull shit." I said as I walked out the door.

I started crying the minute I walked out of the store. That was so mean. What was happening to me? I was turning into such a bitch.

This wasn't me.

I curled up on the sidewalk and closed my eyes. This was such a bad dream, if only I could wake up from it.


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