(18). Even Grandmas Can Act 20!

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18. Even Grandmas Can Act 20!

I took a deep breath and brushed the dirt off my legs.

I winced as I stepped onto land, my feet landing on jagged stones and twigs.

"So gross." I muttered.

I pulled the sleepingbag out of the water and layed it on the bottom  of the hill.

Trying to find a dry spot to sit on, I patted the cloth clumsily.

5 minutes later, I didn't care and just sat down, letting my butt get wet as my shorts soaked up the water.

I crossed my legs and tapped my chin, leaning my elbow on my knee.

"What to do, what to do." I muttered.

I ended up sleeping on the bank of a creek, and hopefully someone human can come help me in the morning.

I woke up to a buzzing in my ear. "Russell, what the hell!" I muttered, annoyed.

I swat beside me, expecting to hit hair and face, but instead I touched water.

I jumped up immediately and looked around me. I was in the freaking creek!

Sighing, I got up and inspected the hill. It looked like you couldn't climb on it successfully unless you had a rope and hook.

It was just loosely piled molch, nothing to really cling to and have a firm hold on.

I sat down defeatedly and waited for the sound of footsteps.



I perked up. "HEREE!" I bellowed, jumping up and down. I threw dirt in the air to catch their attention, only to have it splatter back onto my head.

"Idiot." I muttered to myself.

Brushing the dirt out of my eyes, I heard someone call again,this time closer.

"Libby!" I heard a boy call.


My heart soared. I cupped my hands over my mouth. "Here! I'm at the foot of some hill!"

I heard footsteps and shuffling and then, "Roosey! Let's go back! I'm sweating!"

Oh mother fucker.

"Why do you have to hang out with her all the time?" I snarled, my face getting hot with anger.

Russell's face appeared over the edge."Libby!" he sang, grinning.

I couldn't help but smile back and waved my arms wildly around me.

"You can't get me unless-"

I smacked my hands into my face when I saw Russell take a cautious step forward.

The molch almost immediately gave away and he fell down down down, taking Audrey with him.

"Aw, goddammit!" I screamed, kicking the water angrily.

"Not the best idea." Russell grunted, getting up.

Beside him, Audrey was already standing, crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked, a little worried. Did she get hurt?

"My.. my nail broke!" she wailed.

"Oh my God!" I shouted, annoyed. "Your so annoying!"

She didn't answer, just wailed her little butt off.

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