(2)Just My Luck.

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2- Just My Luck.

I was in third period now, and I was bored out of my mind. My mind kept wandering toward the note that's crumpled up at the bottom of the girl's bathroom downstairs. That jerk, he thinks he can say things like that. He doesn't even know what family problems are. But something about him...When I see him, it's like I have one of those rare moments where I think I can actually move on from Ethan.

I silently reprimanded myself. What the hell was I thinking? Moving on from Ethan? Just because some hot player? I scoffed. Not a chance. There must be some paint fumes in this room or something that's making me go absolutely crazy.

"Hey!" I heard a preppy voice call.

 I didn't bother to look up, just twiddled my thumbs. "Hey! You!" I heard again.

 Aggravated, I looked up sharply, trying to find the annoying preppy girl. I glared around the classroom, intent on snapping at Miss. Preppy. "Hello?" I heard her say again.

 My gaze snapped towards the sound. Gotcha. A girl with typical blonde hair and blue eyes. I turned my look full heat onto her, but my glare faltered when I realized she was talking to me.

 "What?" I asked, surprised.

"Fawn." she introduced herself, reaching out her hand.

 I ignored it, tapping my foot impatiently. "Name's Libby." I muttered, feeling a twinge of guilt when she blushed and pulled her hand back awkwardly.

 "What's up?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

Fawn got all perky again, apparently forgetting the awkward tension. "Heard you got knocked down by Russell Remurs!" she squealed, looking at me with bright eyes, eager to get the gossip wheel turning.

 I shrugged, already tired of the conversation. "Sure," I replied, looking away, signaling our conversation over.

Fawn remained oblivious of the vain attempt to brush her off and kept shooting questions. "How did you, the new kid, get to cuddle with Russell Remurs?" she asked, curiousness in her eyes.

I chuckled at Fawn's logic. "Are you serious? He knocked me down! Is that your definition of cuddling?"

Fawn giggled. "No, but I saw him unzip your jacket."

I rolled my eyes and ignored her, ducking my head down and doodling on the front cover of my notebook. These girls had to get a life.I clenched my fists as Fawn kept droning on and on about how Russell never touched new girls unless they were slutty skanks, blah blah blah. Finally, Fawn got the message and shut up. She headed back to her seat, probably to sulk or spread the news. Just then, the teacher walked in.

 "Hey guys, welcome back!" she greeted in a cheery voice.

Enthusiastic responses came from the class. I guess they liked this teacher. I slouched in my chair and crossed my arms, tapping my foot impatiently. When was this class over?

 "I believe we have a new student!" the teacher announced.

 I saw her eyes scan the room until she reached mine. Her gaze locked on mine and the corner of her eyes wrinkled as she grinned. "I'm Miss. Crooker. Would you like to come up here and say a few things about yourself?" she glanced down at her clipboard. "Libiana?" she asked, looking at me expectantly.

I smirked. "No." I replied, and started doodling on my notebook again. I knew I was about to get in trouble. I quickly drew little spirals to calm my mind. 

I felt the familiar tingle run through my body. I felt it whenever I felt someone staring at me. I glanced up ever so slightly and quicker than a hobo can grab a cookie. Everyone was staring. The one person that jumped out at me, though, was a certain sapphire eyed scoundrel, his smile showing that he was clearly amused.

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