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----chapter four continued----

Harry: okay, what do you
want to talk about?

Louis: um, how do you know you're gay?

Harry: well, uh, i guess you just know.
do you think you're gay?

Louis: no! im just asking for a friend!

Harry: that's okay.
tell your friend that
everything will be okay.
or should I say oGAY.... i feel clever.

Louis: hot too...

Harry: what???

Louis: oh, um, that was just a joke. lol i haven't even seen you yet.

Harry: *picture above*

Louis: fuck daddy...

Harry: are you sure it's a friend?

Louis: fuck, shit, that wasn't supposed to send. uh, i gtg. bye.

Harry: lou! It's okay!

Harry: lou?

Harry: boo bear?

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