Chapter Twenty-Seven | Safe Haven

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He constantly put Jongin in a trance. As he laid there in bed and watched Kyungsoo with the utmost love twinkling in his eyes, he found himself falling impossibly deeper in love with him. 

The previous night had brought perpetual kisses, which may or may not have led to a couple of extra late-night love-making sessions. During those times, the young dancer was so immersed in pleasure that the thought of reality had completely drained from his mind. But thanks to perfectly silent opportunities like this when he got to study the softer and finer point of the smaller's face, he was having a hard time believing that this was his new reality.

The gentle and continuous movement of Jongin running his fingers through his hair eventually woke Kyungsoo up. The way his eyes opened in such a calm manner like the soft wind as it breezes through the atmosphere was one of the most beautiful sights he had seen in a long time. A bright red color flushed over Kyungsoo almost immediately after his eyes connected with Jongin's and he buried his face deep into the pillow, flustered. Jongin couldn't stop himself from chuckling, thinking of how cute his boyfriend looked. When Jongin shifted in the bed a little, Kyungsoo carefully took his face out of the pillow and moved to lay on his side, feeling only a little bit more comfortable.

"You may have gotten braver," Jongin started to say as he stroked Kyungsoo's cheek lightly with his fingers, "but you are still the easiest person in the world to make blush." Kyungsoo's hands smacked against his face as he laughed in embarrassment, the adorable sight bringing a wide smile to Jongin's face. After waiting a few seconds, he peeled Kyungsoo's hands off of his face and closed the distance between their lips as he united them in a warm and compassionate good morning kiss that made Kyungsoo smile after the fact. "I'm so glad that you're back," Jongin said in a tender voice as he began to play with his lover's fingers. "I hope that you can stay this time." Kyungsoo only smiled and pressed another kiss to Jongin's lips, silently telling him that he didn't have to worry about it anymore; he was here to stay.

The smile that lit up Jongin's face stayed there as he spoke again. "Can you say it again?" he asked in a softer, quieter voice, getting a baffled look from the elder. "My name. Can you say it again?" Kyungsoo's bottom lip disconnected with his top lip and his cheeks blushed for the second time since he woke up. 

He admitted that deciding to speak for the first time in his life was a daring move and he couldn't really supply a good explanation as to why he did it; something about that moment felt right and as soon as he realized that, the words just seemed to fly out of his mind and land on his tongue where they were spoken. 

But looking back on it now--actually, it was hard for him to look back on it. He couldn't hear his own voice, but he somehow felt embarrassed by it; he was sure he sounded like an idiot. And sounding like an idiot was one of the last things he wanted to do in front of Jongin.

Instead of replying in the way Jongin hoped he would, Kyungsoo scooted closer to him and curled into him, parts of his forehead rubbing against Jongin's skin as he buried his face in his naked chest. Though disappointed, Jongin understood and smiled as wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo's minuscule frame, kissing the top of his head briefly and resting his chin on the softness that was his hair.

"It's okay," he whispered. "Maybe another time." And for two more hours, that's the way they stayed.


Things eventually fell back into place after that. Jongin hadn't dropped his extra classes, but instead moved them to the weekends and shortened them to an hour rather than two and a half hours. The college ended up letting Kyungsoo come back to school, but this time with a plan to major in music. He also got a job at the music store in town where his responsibilities included organizing and cleaning the instruments and assisting the store's owner in tuning them. Even with his new job and classes, he usually arrived home before Jongin did, which was the only reason that their apartment stayed as tidy as it was.

One day when they both decided they were bored with hanging around the apartment, they agreed to go and pay a visit to Baekhyun and Chanyeol at the restaurant. Baekhyun still held a grudge against Kyungsoo for breaking the heart of one of his best friends, but that grudge had deteriorated significantly over the passing weeks, at least enough so that he could be alone in a room with him without wanting to slap him. It took no time at all for Chanyeol to push Kyungsoo's wrongdoing into the past where it belonged, as he was just glad to see that Jongin wasn't moping around anymore.

They sat there for a couple hours, talking and catching up but mostly listening to Baekyun and Chanyeol bicker about some or another. They didn't mind it, though, because it just meant that everything was one step closer to going back to the way they were meant to be.


Would you stop? Kyungsoo said prior to hitting Jongin's chest lightly, a faint and embarrassed smile on his face. You're going to burn holes in my head if you keep staring at me like that.

Jongin threw his head back as he laughed out loud. "Okay, fine, I'm done," he said as he pulled Kyungsoo's body closer to his, being sure to press a celibate kiss to his lips before letting him lay his head on his shoulder. "But I'm just trying to make sure you're real, that's all. It would suck if I woke up in five seconds and found out all of this was just one long dream."

Kyungsoo looked up at him and smiled softly. This is real and I'm right here, he said sincerely. I'm not going anywhere unless you're with me. 

That made Jongin smile. "Well, that would be something someone in a dream would say to me, so I think I'm gonna need a kiss as proof," he said, puckering his lips cutely. Kyungsoo laughed and rolled his eyes, quickly pecking the man's lips. 

Let's just watch this movie. I've been dying to see this ever since it came out, Kyungsoo said as he snuggled into Jongin in an effort to get comfortable. Jongin chuckled and pressed play on the remote, settling into the couch a bit more. A minute or so in, Kyungsoo looked up at Jongin and kissed the side of his neck softly, causing Jongin's smile to widen. The sight of the stupid, happy grin on his face made Kyungsoo laugh and his heart fill with his happiness. Then, he turned his face back to the screen, letting himself become consumed by Jongin's warmth.


I thought that some nice fluff would mend your hearts after all that angst I put you through. I hope you liked it as much as I do! :)

So, I have iTunes on my laptop and according to that I've listened to Infinite's BTD 31 times. Holy fucking shit. I'm listening to it now and I can see why.

I have become complete and total SEVENTEEN fucking trash. I just listened to their Boys Be album today and I am like in love with every song on it! Especially Mansae!! MANSAE MANSAE MANSAE YEAH! And Mingyu reminds me so much of Jongin it isn't even funny even more. God, I need help.

I'm gonna go watch gay films now. #SlipIntoTheByuntaeLife

Any who, I hope you enjoyed this and I will be back tomorrow with "Moonlight"! Until then! <3

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