Chapter Four | Firsts

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"Okay, let's take it again from the top," Jongin said after letting his current dance class take a short break. He had taught a total of three classes that day and this was his last one, which also happened to be the class that his ex-girlfriend was in. It wasn't the ideal predicament for him, having to be stuck in a room with the person that shattered his heart into pieces, but he loved to dance and found joy in sharing his passion with others, even if it meant having to see a person he didn't want to for a couple of hours. He walked over to the large, black stereo and waited until all the girls were in the correct position to press the play button.

With a blank expression and both of his hands resting on his hips, Jongin walked around and watched carefully as they danced, his eyes mostly focused on the movement of their feet. At times, he would call out certain people when they weren't in the right spot or if they were a beat behind. No one took these calls the wrong way since Jongin was what most people regarded as one of the school's best dancers. Anyone who wanted to become a decent dancer knew that learning from Jongin would be their best bet. Plus, he was handsome so taking a class with him would give anyone a great view at the very least.

The music came to a stop and Jongin glanced up at the wall clock to see that the hour was nearly up. "Alright," he said in a loud, booming voice that echoed through the room. "That was good, but just remember to keep up with your facial expressions. They help convey the theme of whatever song you're dancing to the audience." Everyone nodded their heads in response, a few girls taking a drink out of their water bottles. "I think we'll call it a day, so keep practicing on your own and we'll meet back here on Wednesday." Then, they all began to gather their things and leave, saying a quick goodbye to Jongin right before they walked out the door.

"So, that was a really good class today, don't you think?" Eunhee said as she appeared at Jongin's side, her bag swung over her shoulder.

"Yes, yes it was," Jongin said with a slightly annoyed sigh, avoiding her eyes as he took the CD out of the stereo. Why was she still talking to him? Jongin had made it very clear when he broke up with her that he no longer wanted anything to do with her. This may sound harsh, but at least if the two would have broken up over good terms, he might still want to talk to her. But cheating was something that Jongin could not and would not stand, especially looking back on all words she said to him that made him think that she loved him. But those words, at least to him, seemed like lies now.

"Listen, Jongin-" Eunhee never did get a chance to finish getting the rest of her words due to the creaking sound that came from the practice room door when it opened, revealing a smiling and waving Kyungsoo. Jongin smiled at the sight of the older, yet shorter male relieved that he came in when he did.

"We'll have to talk later, okay?" Jongin said to Eunhee in a rushed voice as he bent over to grab his duffel bag off the ground. Eunhee could barely get an okay for Jongin to hear before he followed Kyungsoo out the door, sighing in relief once he entered the hall. "You came in at just the right time," Jongin said as he looked over at Kyungsoo, signing as he spoke. It had only been a few weeks since they finally broke the ice, but lots had happened in those few weeks and they had grown closer and closer each day. So close that Jongin even decided to start learning sign language again, with the help of Kyungsoo, of course.

Why?  Kyungsoo signed as they started walking back upstairs.

"My ex-girlfriend was trying to talk to me...again," Jongin replied.

The one that cheated on you? Kyungsoo's question made Jongin's head turn and made his eyebrows knit together.

"Yeah, how did you know about that?" he asked.

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