Chapter Seven | Our First Date

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Jongin spent the whole of Saturday preparing for their first date. He wanted everything to be impeccable and flawless. He knew that Kyungsoo wasn't a picky person and would have been satisfied with even the simplest of dates, but Jongin also knew that Kyungsoo was special. And special people, he thought, deserved special dates. He spent all the days before then thinking of just exactly what was special enough for him and then finally came up with the perfect idea. It wasn't like the typical first date involving some fancy restaurant, but he hoped he would like it nonetheless. 

Even though Kyungsoo was the one who asked him out, he let Jongin do all the planning since he figured that his experience gave him a slight advantage. If it was up to him, he would have just invited him to take a walk through the park with him, which wasn't necessarily a bad idea for a date. It just wasn't what he pictured a first date being. All he knew about the evening was that it was going to be, in the exact words of Jongin, "special" and that he would pick him up at his place at exactly seven o'clock. Of course, Kyungsoo tried to get more details out of Jongin, but he refused to say anything else. But Kyungsoo thought that they could go on just about any date as long as they finally did the one thing that he had wanted to do since the day he learned his name: kiss.

Kyungsoo had just finished getting ready when the clock struck 6:55. Since he didn't know where they'd be going or what they'd be doing, Kyungsoo settled with a pair of khakis and a plain shirt as an outfit. That way, he wouldn't be underdressed or overdressed wherever they ended up going. Plus, if he gave anymore thought to it, he would end up overthinking it and wasting time and Jongin would be here any minute. The more Kyungsoo thought about it, the more excited and nervous he got. He tried to console himself as best as he could, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of Jongin. This was his first date and he wanted to ensure that it would be locked in his memory as something positive. It would also be nice if Jongin wanted to keep seeing him afterward. 

"When did he say that he would be here?" Ryeowook asked as Kyungsoo finished putting on his shoes.

Seven, he replied as he got to his feet, reaching for his coat that was hanging on the tall coat hanger. Within the next few seconds, Ryeowook heard door vibrate with a loud knock as he walked over to answer it, a smile appeared on Kyungsoo's face almost instantly. Ryeowook twisted the door open, revealing an also smiling Jongin.

"Hey," he said.

Hi, Kyungsoo replied, a cute smile spread across his lips that made his eyes form into slight crescents.

"You must be Ryeowook," Jongin said, extending his hand out to him. "Kyungsoo's told me a lot about you. It's nice to meet you. I'm Jongin."

"Likewise," Ryeowook replied kindly as he shook Jongin's hand firmly.

"I won't keep him out long, or at least I'll try not to," Jongin said, glancing at Kyungsoo and making the latter blush a little.

"Okay," Ryeowook said. "You have fun and be careful," he added, this time speaking to Kyungsoo.

I will, Kyungsoo signed back before giving Ryeowook a short and sweet hug.

"Ready?" Jongin asked once Kyungsoo faced him. Kyungsoo nodded eagerly, a wide smile on his lips that made him look adorable, Jongin thought. "Well, let's go," he said, smiling back at him as he held out his hand. Kyungsoo's smile brightened before he grabbed it, letting Jongin lace their fingers together. He turned back around and sent a small wave to Ryeowook, prompting him to return it as he watched the two walk down the sidewalk.

Jongin seemed like a nice guy to Ryeowook and he certainly was polite. And the fact that he even learned sign language for Kyungsoo only ceased to impress him even more; not even Kyungsoo's own mother had done that. Ryeowook liked Jongin and was glad that Kyungsoo was experiencing his first date with someone like him. But his opinion never mattered when it came to his mother. It was solely up to her to decide if she liked Jongin and Ryeowook wasn't so sure that she would.

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