Nataly's Lovestruck

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Okay I honestly didn't wanted wanted to write today, especially yesterday or these days right now. But I promised that I will so I shall write

Ok well I walked toward my bus stop where I saw my bestie, Sam. He seem upset for some reason so I asked him if hen was okay.

"No. its just that I was standing there minding my own business and a guy from a WHITE car yells at me saying 'hey! get the fuck out of my way!' he was not nice." said Sam.

I was not sure if I was going in Mrs. Humanities classroom today. But no had to! why, because I needed to give my friends a ONE DIRECTION TATTOOS! yea I gave heather a Niall Horan tattoo (It should have ben mine), I gave a Lindsey a Louis tattoo, and lastly I gave Haley a tattoo of harry styles!!! Yea we walked with a hot arm. ;)

Science was boring. And now I have homework for something that I don't understand! ugh! my life sucks.

Math was more fun, but yet boring. Mrs.Math yelled at us many times during class. Yea I got all the attention, well er sort of. But Yea we have homework from her to! She is sooo lucky that there is a all school party.

Humanities was humanities. No homework, Yesssss!!!! And we get candy! Double yesssss!

Advisory was the same. I asked for a hall pass to come back here during lunch to fix my bridge. Yea I gave up on that thing, im going to lose so badly. *whispers* Failer. We had ten minutes left so we went outside. I told this kool girl and she over reacted so bad. Yesterday Kayla was the only one that stayed with me when I needed my friends the most. :-(

Enrichment was really uncomfortable. Jack and his big lips told everyone who I was dating. Yep they all call me to see if it was true. I nodded' and they freaked out. They even asked me why. LET ME JUST GET THIS STRIGHT. I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE ASK ME DO YOU LOVE HIM OR LIKE HIM. I HATE IT AND I WILL NOT ANSWER- just makes me feel uncomfortable. And Enrichment was hard. He read us a long story and I wasn't paying attention. too many big words and not enough space. And then I'm expected to read this big ass packet. Omfg this is going to take me a while.

Omfg enrichment was when I REALLY realized that my friends where right. Ted kept fallowing us and Lindsey tells him to come lay next to her, but he said that its way better sitting next to me. (Lindsey: "Aww what a gentlemen.") XD haha she so funny, and I mean it, I'm not being sarcastic. We also picked Silk worms, I think. haley and I tried to put Lindsey hair into a ponytail but she resisted. I said that I would, but they weren't listening. Ted was the only one who heard me and said that I look pretty in a ponytail. I thanked him and walked into the GIRL LOCKERROOMS.

yea I was late so I couldn't change.

Well that was my day. BTW I was listening to Lil Wayne how to love- don't judge me. Bye loves.

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