May Day For Hay-Lay!

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Wednesday May 1st, 2013

Dear amazing trustworthy diary,

YAY IT'S FINALLY MAY! And to prove my fantastic love for this month, I will share with you a little poem I just thought up right now:

May, a month of joy.

A month of spring.

Mostly a month of me.

May, I like the sound of that.

May, May, May!!!

Oh my gosh I love May!

Haven't you noticed?!

May is the month of my birth!

I was born one day,

In a beautiful morning on May.

The wonders of May,

We MAY never know.

The days of May,

We MAY treats as gifts.

Even the Mondays!

Happy May Day!

Hip Hip Hurray!


Hahaha so anyways. It's the first day of May. Whoop Whoop! Yeah! Okay so today was AMAZING OF COURSE! Well I think you know why. This is my month! Haha so my morning was pretty great.

As I walked towards my bus stop, I spotted thousands of dandelions. Kicking and kicking everyone in sight. I wished hard that I'd have a great day.

Humanities was the same, except our teacher Mrs.Bark was in labor. Her little girl Josephine had came into the beautiful world of life on May Day! That lucky lucky gal! I really wanted to meet her! She was a May child like me, and so she was a part of my May family! (Haha hey that rhymed! ;D) Since Mrs.Bark was in no condition to come to school at the moment, we had a rest-of-the-year term sub named Mrs.France and helping her, Mrs.Emerson, (Our teacher's assistant).

"Well all of you may know that Mrs.Bark's baby was born today,"

'Hell yes!' I said inside my mind, fist pumping the air.

"At 7:10am! Also it' s Mrs.Math's birthday today so make sure to say happy birthday to her too!" Said Mrs.Emerson.

'Double Hell yes!' More May children! :D

As the rest of the class went by smoothly, I grabbed Lindsey's arm and dragged her to Math.

"C'mon! We have to say happy birthday to Mrs.Math!" I said grinning from ear to ear.

"I thought you didn't like her.." Lindsey said confused. I shrugged.

"Well today I can't, she's a May child like me, and It is my duty to SPREAD THE LOVE THIS MONTH!!!" I said all passtionatly.

"Okay then!" Lindsey said as we entered the class.

"Happy birthday Mrs.Math!" I said smiling at her. "Thank you Haley!" Mrs.Math saidsmiling back as she handed me the warm up.

"Today's May Day!!!" I said to Mrs.Math with big round glossy eyes full of joy.

"Why yes it is!" She said greeting the other students. I overheard one of her conversations with a student.

"May IS a good month to be born isn't it-" She said.

"YES IT IS!!!" I said standing up all dramatically fist pumping the air with BOTH fists. The whole class stared at me like I was insane, (Which clearly I was..).

"When's your birthday Haley?" Mrs.Math asked me. "May 30th!" I replied excitedly.

Science finally came along and it was pretty disturbing..

"Welcome children. Let us talk about the oders of the human body for a moment as we all get settled down.." Said Mr.Science.

"Awww noooooooooooo!" The entire class groaned. "Oh this will be fun.." I muttered turning to the direction in which Mr.Science stood.

"Bacteria is your enemy," Mr.Science said and began lecturing us about puberty and the chaging of oders in the arm-pit.

15 minutes later..

"Awww the horror!" The class complained.

"Lindsey," I said starring out into space shocked at the information from Mr.Science now huanting my brain for eternity! "I've lost my innosence!!!" I say as my face fell flat to the table. I lifted it up.

"And the will to go on!" I lifted up my index finger and returned my face to the table, making the process of "Conduction" as Mr.Science would call it. Lindsey cracked up.

Advisery went on as usual. Natalyand I decided to just finish ourbridge project at the last minute until Mr.Science mentioned it. WHICH I DO NOT ENCOURAGE OR RECOMMEND! THIS STRATOGY IS AND CAN ONLY BE USEFUL TO SOME!

Lunch was histaricaly awkward. (As almost always!) Carl and James somewhat hanged with us, until they were mobbed by the popular girls for some reason and The Sugar Walls (Lindsey, Nataly and I) ditched the messy scene.

We decided to stalk Nataly's "best friend" Karen and his other friends including the sexy pants guy. We followed them passed Carl and James when Lindsey glanced at them.

"You see this?!" Lindsey said pointing at the boys we were following. "We have OTHER friends! We don't need you!" She yelled at them, and of course Carl and James ignored us and didn't even look at us "pretending" to enjoy ourselves.

'At least we're not having that everyday awkward silence with them..' my thoughts said in my mind. I nodded agreeing with myself.

"True, true.."

Enrichment was a bit different. Carl switched classes and was now in Mrs.Math's class. Ditching James and I.

'Oh goody. This will end as a total disaster..thanks Carl, thanks for leaving me!' My thoughts yelled no longer wanting to be in this class. A few minutes into the class, my allergies started acting up and I sneezed like Heck! I hated it!!!

At the very end of the day, I climbed in my bus and headed toward my seat. (Left F) I stumbled on something and fell foward.

"Oops sorry!" A dark skinned Hispanic girl said as I got up to my feet and plopped myself in my seat. I glared at her for a moment.

"No it's alright." I put on a fake smile and began texting my friends..

Well that was my special May Day for ya Diary! I hope you liked it!



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