Tag #2

42 5 12

I was tagged by _BatmanKitty_

1. At the moment, a lot of OMAM songs: Empire, Love Love Love, Little Talks and I of the Storm

2. Um... gymnastics I guess...? Although I might quit :'(

3. Of Monsters and Men

4. I haven't watched a lot of tv lately. Probably something on Disney Channel... (yes, I still watch Disney Channel! Don't judge!).

5. Hmm... well, tbh, I'd rather read a book than watch a movie, but I guess Stand by Me Doraemon (most of you probably don't know what that is). And when I do watch movies, they're usually kid movies. I'm not really an action or scary movie kind of person.

6. Turquoise and silver

7. For some reason, I always find this question hard. I guess Chinese food, especially spicy food. I like chicken (I'm sorry to anyone who is vegetarian or vegan; I can't help it :(). I also like fruit. Fruit is nature's desserts!

8. Honestly, I could go for a glass of milk anytime. I also really like fresh lemonade.

9. Right now, probably Minecraft and Animal Jam.

10. FaolTheWolf LpsChick sunsetofdawn WaveNote Kaitlin_DSouza NothingMoreFangirl OceanKajkin -Camo- RainbowPhoenixWrites Scourge_lover156 wonderwomen668 littlepink4 forever_writing_26 ShiningStarsssss

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