Chapter 36/Him/The Evil of Lady Villeria

Start from the beginning

Rockwood followed her gaze and found me.

"Oh That's my new pet, Villeria" said Rockwood

"Really? You with a Pet. A pet human" said Villeria in surprise.

"I heard they are clean, less maintenance than a dog and don't leave hairs like a cat," said Rockwood.

"but they ruin the furniture." said Lady Villeria coming over to me "what's its name?"

"It hasn't got a name at the moment. Be Careful" began Rockwood as Lady Villeria came over bent down and tried to touch my hair.

"Say anything you like<zing>" said my collar and my mute coming off.

"Leave me alone" I snapped at her. Villeria pulled her hand back sharply.

"It bites," Rockwood said.

The Sevals raise and pointed their guns at me.

"Don't do that I've only just got her," said Rockwood.

Lady Villeria looked at me.

"Where on earth did you get it? Does she miss her family or something? Did you do something unspeakable to her" said Lady Villeria going back.

"No, I think she's just like that. She was part of a buy two get one free package. I guess I should have sent her back..." said Rockwood.

"You've got to be careful having strays sitting around in your bedroom." said Villeria.

"Anyway what's so important that you couldn't email me," said Rockwood.

I looked at him IQ a billion times higher than mine and he still didn't know what she wanted pathetic. Two chairs appeared from a small open door in one of the walls and rushed up and arranged themselves facing each other.

"Well, I wondered a couple of things. Firstly It's the new bill." Villeria said sitting down.

"What bill?" said Rockwood.

"Don't pretend you don't know about it. The disposal of humanity act. As you know I'm working for the Subjugate humanity pressure group. We are promoting changes to the law on humans and a change in direction." she began.

"Why are you talking to me?" said Rockwood. 

"Well rumours on 4Chan say you have a backdoor route to the CPU its self," said Villeria, "I thought if you could put in a good word.." 

"Firstly," said Rockwood "I don't do politics. In fact, I don't anything as a rule and anything includes politics.  Secondly, we both know secret communication with the CPU is strictly forbidden. The CPU is open source and the machine council would have a meltdown.  Both I and the CPU would be slowly shredded and every backup crushed if there was any truth in the matter.  Which there isn't.  So I ask again What do you want Villeria, can't you see I have a new pet to play with," said Rockwood losing interest.

"I'm part of a group subjugate humanity. You have heard of the new humanity bill which is going through. Well, we want to see a reduction of humanity to 4 Billion.  All as slaves in service or in reservations within 5 years. The rest should be sent to packing and used. Maintenance of the current natural human act, better curbs brainwashing. As you know by the New Mechanical Order constitution the law regarding humans cannot be changed without consent from the council of Judas City and the Cyborg council. I'm hoping that subjugate humanity can count on your vote in the cyborg council. Your one of the few cyborgs with human bits left." she said.

Wow, how could anyone talk lightly about killing 5 billion people? She was a new kind of evil.

"So you want me to support a bill which get's rid of 5 billion humans and there was me thinking you wanted for me for my rapier wit," said Rockwood uninterestedly.

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