Chapter 19. Diamonds are a girls best friend.

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Dammit Junior.

I began to walk faster I felt my heartbeat speed up. I started watching the news keeping my mind off Junior.

I never really had him. He never officially asked me to be his girlfriend. I was still 'Carter's'. Although Carter never asked me either so I guess I am still technically single then. Yay me. I had two wonderful guys but I can't pick one. Carter used me to demolish Junior. Junior used me to get Ashton. I am just a big dump aren't I?

I turned around to see Tara smiling at me.

Tara was beautiful, you see. She had long blonde hair that went half way down her back She kept it in a high ponytail and curled. It was gorgeous. She had hazel eyes that seemed to flash red when she told me to run miles or began doing pushups.

"TIME!" Tara announced.

"what now?" I mumbled already out of breath.

And on my day went, I ran 2 miles, jogged 1, did 50 pushups, 20 situps, and jump roped on my left hurt ankle for 5 minutes straight.

I was walking home when it started to rain. Great.

I took off running. I was at home opening the gate when someone else was headed towards me. I panicked and began trying to rush. I ended up slipping and falling on my butt in front of my house with the mysterious figure walking towards me.

"Don't hurt me!" I called out to the person wearing black sweat pants, a oversized gray hoodie, and hot pink nike tennis shoes.

"How dumb are you?" The voice called out. The person took the hoodie off, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Valorie there.

"Hey V, what do you need?" I asked as she offered a hand to help me up.

"Carter would just like to say he has no use for you. He is 'dumping' you." Her words came out all at once. We weren't dating so it doesn't bother me. I mean he never once mentioned us actually dating. Valorie pulled her hoodie back up probably scared to be seen with me now.

"Oh, okay." I answered opening the gate. I waved bye as she was already half a block away. Typical V leaving before you finished talking.

I opened my house door nobody was home great. As I was walking up the stairs I heard a bang in my bedroom. I quickly ran up and grabbed a small vase. Ready to attack.

I swiftly but quietly opened my door to find the intruder looking at my book shelf. Probably wanting to steal something. I snuck up behind them and raised the vase.

The intruder turned around facing me.

"Sean it's me!" The intruder called out, but they were too late. The vase came crashing down on their head.

Comprehension flowed through me. The body hit the floor with moans. I flipped over the still conscious figure, Kay!

"Well dammit!" I shouted.

Kay stood up and looked at me. "Apology accepted, Hoe." She said laughing a bit.

"Not dammit cause I hit you. Dammit because that's my mom's favorite vase and your head broke it!"I yelled.

Kay turned around got some super glue off my bookshelf and tossed it to me.

"Puzzle Time!" She shouted crouching down and started to piece it together again.

Once it was back together I went and put it back on the hallway table and tried to set it as normal as possible. I came back in my room giggling until I saw Kay had the box in her hand, the one from Junior.

"Why haven't you opened it, Sean?" Kay asked.

"I can't find the strength too." I admitted. In one motion Kay ripped open the box.

"Kay!" I screamed rushing over there to grab the lid and snap it back on.

When an item fell out. I dropped to my knees and tried retrieving whatever was dropped. That's when I saw it, a diamond necklace. With 5 diamonds. Sterling silver chain, and the diamonds were the flower petals on the flower charm.

Dear Sean,

5 diamonds can't prove to you how sorry I am.

Yet, I am hoping 5 diamonds will give me one more chance to make it up to you.

Come with me after school Monday and let me have one more shot to earn you.




I re-read the note again and yet again.

He hadn't given up on me like I had on him.

This changed everything.

"Kay, looks like Monday I have a date." Kay giggled.

"I knew once he heard you sing he would love you like he always had." She bragged and then quickly shut up.

"what?!?!" I asked

"I kind of told Junior that you still loved him and that he needed to see you sing. He sings there a lot and I kind of helped your Gramma pick the place. Junior came and heard you sing. He thought you sang beautifully Sean. Don't you get it. The song he sang was about you! He wants another chance!" Kay screamed like a little girl.

I blushed and hugged the note. Come Monday we would see what happened. I knew I would have to ask Junior about Ashton. I knew he would explain. I was nervous but overall excited.

This Damsel in Distress was about to admit to her Knight in Shining armor that she loved him.

~Author's Note~

I should have another chapter up tomorrow if not then it will be soon. Sorry it took so long. I have been super busy. Stupid Summer Reading): Anyway. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. Whether you hate it or love it.



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