Chapter 2 Junior's side.

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Chapter 2: Junior

Once she said "Hey Junior. We should hang out this afternoon." I knew it. I'd been waiting for Sean to actually get the idea that I liked her. More than a friend. I have since Freshman year. Now It's Senior and there's nothing more I want to do rather than have a date with Sean. But every time I thought about asking she shut me down. Especially over summer. She wouldn't do anything with me she was always busy with Kay. Or studying. Which I knew was an excuse but I let it pass thinking maybe she would change her mine.

Just then I thought about football. Of course it would get in the way, but hey. That's the duty of a captain.

"Oh sorry I have practice. How about tomorrow?" I asked already looking forward to tomorrow.

"Fine" She said obviously pissed.

"Woah, there little trooper. What's wrong with you?" I asked scared. Did she not want to see me tomorrow? Or was it because she was tired of me? Question after question racked my brain. Making me panic.

I grabbed her shoulders and spun her into me so that she was looking straight into my eyes. Her beautiful brown eyes looking back at me as if they could see my soul.

"Junior I-" SAY IT!!! I wanted to yell.

"Junior!" I heard my name called out and then was surrounded by the football team instead of who I wanted to be by.

I walked with them anyway turning back to see Sean leaning against her locker looking at the ceiling. Something was up and I wanted to know.

"Junior you ready for the game?"

"Junior get your head on straight."

My best friend Augustus, Will, looked at me and immediately knew. "Junior come on man. Not right now. We don't have time for that." He stopped me in the hallway, deciding a confrontation was the answer.

Will was my best friend, but not the same way Kay and Sean were. I had grown up with them, but Will and I became best friends when we were the only two freshman on Varsity, and were forced to carry the bag of pads and helmets around as initiation.

"Funny you say 'we'. You don't help me at all! Will, I have liked Sean since Freshman year. This is Senior Year I need to talk to her!" I yelled before I ran back to Sean's locker. I made my decision I'd tell her and hope for the best. High School was almost over for me and I don't want to leave things unfinished.

I ran back the way I just came my heart pumping, not because I was hauling ass threw the hallway but because I was so close to coming out with it. Sean was there leaning against her locker. Talking to a guy. I had no clue who he was but all I felt was jealousy. He had time for her when I ran out. But I refused to go down without a fight.
But not here, not now.
So with my head held high, I turned on my heels and retreated back towards my locker.

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