Chapter 1. The Beginning.

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Chapter 1: Sean

"Sean get up!" I heard my mom's velvety voice call. I ignored it and slung my head back to my pillow. My long auburn hair falling around my face. Ughhh I hated school. Mom came in again letting in an abundance of bright light behind her. "Sean if I have to tell you one more time to get your butt out of bed it will be your father's job, and he prefers the water cooler!" She shouted giving me a few minutes to convince my body and bones to push up and stare at her.

"Yay School!" I said mockingly. See, my mother and me have a close connection. I am just like her in so many ways.

Her all too familiar auburn hair clung to her face. "That's the attitude!" She mimicked me pumping her fist into the air and we both laughed. She treaded back out the way she came, smiling.

Ugh school. I got up and turned on the radio. Picture Perfect by Every Avenue was playing. I danced randomly around my room deeming today a good day.

Senior Year! I'd wished my life away for this moment right here. I smiled as I sat in the mirror. I didn't have much going for me at the moment. I had a light shade of brown eyes, light auburn hair and a tan average body build. I take after my mom alright. I stripped and got into some jeans with holes and a v neck shirt with boots. Taking my time I applied my makeup. Today was the day I wanted to impress the guy I've had a crush on forever. Junior. I walked out of my room and down the stairs. Mom and Dad were cooking breakfast. They put me to shame with their cooking skills.

I grabbed a bagel and headed out the door.

My phone rang in my pocket to the tune of 'Rich Girl' by Gwen Stefani

"hello? " I answered jingling my keys as I strutted to my car.

"Oh my gosh Sean you're a life saver. Help me? Can you pick me up? Perfect way to start Senior Year. With a stupid fucking flat!" She said in the phone as we both laughed.

"Yeah of course I can. I'll be there in ten." I laughed a bit more before pulling out of the driveway and speeding towards Kay's.

As I pulled down her street I smiled as I saw her. She was jumping up and down next to her car which was sporting a nasty flat tire.

"Thank you so much!" She said as she got in.

"Damn Sean who you trying to impress?" Her eyes ran over my body covered head to toe in glamour.

"Don't worry about it." I joked as we pulled into the school.
Kay had been my best friend for who knows how long. We were constantly at each other's houses and gossiping about our lives. Basically your typical teenagers

Kay and I walked together down the hallways laughing at how her Justin Bieber obsession was getting out of hand.

"no it isn't. Sean he has got to be the perfect man! And the fact I have 23 posters is never a bad thing! " She yelled. I laughed and walked passed her to my locker. I came up to my locker already fumbling threw with the new combination.

"Well look who it is my two best girls!" Junior called as he ran down the hallway straight to my locker.

Oh great, I pretended to not notice him. Yet, it was hard. He had sandy blonde hair piercing blue eyes and a spirit that made anyone smile.

Oh my best friend was so perfect. He was the epitome of gorgeous.

"So Kay are you ever gonna give up on him?" Junior said noting my presence but not commenting.

I looked at him and my heart soared I could easily kiss him.
I got lost in the daydream of grabbing his face and putting his irresistible plump lips on mine.

"who, Junior?" Kay asked poking Junior in the shoulder. Giving him eyes that would kill if he joked about her dream guy.

"Justin Bieber?" He said raising his voice to a high pitched squeal.

"Shut up!" Kay said and stormed off.

"I did not mean to do that." He said to himself.

Oh God. He's talking to me. Chill the fuck out Sean. Wait talk back you idiot. Is it possible to get hotter? Because damn he did.

"Hey Sean are you going to talk to me or be a nerd and ignore me?" He said laughing playfully nudging my shoulder.

"Hey Junior. We should hang out this afternoon." I mentioned making a move, as soon as it came my eyes got big and I blushed.. I had it decided I'd tell him this afternoon how I felt. Be a badass Sean go through with it, I was inwardly rooting myself on for my bold attempt of making a move.

"Oh sorry I have practice. How about tomorrow?" He asked sincere regret in his eyes.

"Fine." I said throwing my books in my locker. Forget that idea. He probably wouldn't feel the same anyway. Note to self: This is what happens when you're bold.

"Woah, there little trooper. What's wrong with you?" He asked grabbing my shoulders and forcing me to face him. His eyes.

His beautiful innocent eyes. Scanning mine to develop some answer he would never get. Maybe I should tell him now.

"Junior I-" I got out before I was cut off.

"Junior!" The football team said grabbing him and taking him away from me. I felt my heart break then. Junior and I are two entirely different people. It'd never work.

I looked on as the football team formed a barrier between Junior and I and he was shuffled towards the other hall. Away from me.

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