Chapter 14. Replacement?

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Chapter 14: Junior

I couldn't believe I let myself kiss Sean, and actually like it. I was in a feud body, mind, and heart. My body craved her to kiss me again. My mind said she played you once don't do it again. My heart says apologize.

So I am sitting here on the steps not going back on the bus because I am afraid on which one of the three will win. If I go on the bus and ignore her. I know she will be heartbroken. If I go on that bus and kiss her, I know she will forgive me, but I don't want her too. If I say sorry, It makes it seem like it's my fault when I know it isn't.

Decisions... I loved Sean. No correction I love her I don't think I could stop.

But what if-

"Junior?" I heard a voice call from behind me.

I turned around to come face to face with Carter.

"Uh, Yeah man?" I asked standing up meeting his face. It was cold outside the freezing weather nipping at my cheeks. I knew by now my nose was red.

He grabbed my collar of my shirt and threw me against the wall. With a thud I felt my body instantly bruise from the impact.

"Leave Sean alone. She's over you. Got it?" He said. The words came out in a hiss. He released his grip and jumped back as Coach Brick passed.

"She's a free citizen, idiot." I mumbled. He threw me against the wall again. I let out an excruciating whimper.

"And let's just pretend I'm her guard dog." Carter yelled tossing my already bruised and battered body toward the bus. I walked on and took my seat. I left Sean alone. Apparently someone decided I didn't need to sit next to Sean because my stuff was moved up a seat.

Whatever. Fuck them. Senior Year would end soon and when we graduate Sean would know that I love her and forgive me...................hopefully.

I looked over at Sean. She saw me and waved before Carter grabbed her ankle. I was about to let go. I was about to just punch him til I felt better. I was about to......... Yet I didn't I sat there cowering in my seat scared to make a move on the only girl I'll ever love. I was like a puppy with it's tail between it's legs.

I turned around with force I ended up slamming my head on the window during the process. Carter laughed of course. Why wouldn't he? He had put me in pain without really touching me. His hands were clean.

"Carter Brook!" Coach yelled.

"Yes sir?" Carter called back with all sincerity

"Come here, boy!" Coach demanded.

I laughed, he was probably in trouble or something. I took my opportunity I carefully slid over to Sean's seat. While V was off the bus helping Ashton with bags, and Carter was talking to Coach Brick.

"Hey. Um I'm sorry for being rude." I mumbled grabbing her hand and placing it on my cheek.

She quickly looked over my shoulder than back. Her hand dropped from my face to pick up a magazine.

"Mmkay!" She said smacking her gum and pretending to read her magazine.

I went back to my seat and looked at her. She had a confused look on her face and I could tell she wasn't really into that magazine. Had I forced her to do this? Had I made her turn into something she despised because I knew for certain Sean hated cheerleaders, but here she is being as preppy as ever. She had changed for me hadn't she? I caused this. No, no way would she do this for me. It must be for Carter. God, I hate his guts. That guy will pay one day. My attention turned to Valorie who was now a seat in front of Sean. She looked at me and smiled this horribly evil smile.

I heard coach laugh and forced myself to turn.

"guess what guys!" Carter called out.

"what?" I said not caring but staring at Sean who wouldn't look at me for the world.

"We have a new quarterback!" Carter yelled throwing his fists in the air as if to show defeat.

Wait QUARTERBACK?!?!?! That was MY position. My reaction changed. I faced him.

"Who." I demanded as I got in his face. I had never felt so ashamed in my life.

"Me." He giggled and side stepped me.

I'd been replaced on the field and with Sean. Carter Brook had to go immediately.

~Author's Note.

Well thanks for reading(: Sooo sweet. Umm still guys I need to know what you think so Vote, Fan, Comment, Message, anything;)


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