eighty four.

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I leave the room, heading down the corridor in search for Luke and the supposed police officers. I round the corner and stride right into a nurse, almost knocking her over. 

"I'm so sorry" I say, placing my hand on her shoulder to steady her. 

"No worries" She brushes it off. 

"I wondered if you could help me, my friend is being questioned by the police, do you know where he might be?" I ask. 

"Of course, just follow me" She says, I nod, my shoes making an echoing in the silent hospital corridor. She stops outside a door and knocks twice, I look in to see a room empty but for a wooden table and chairs, on one side sits two police officers and on the other side sits the young Australian guy who seems about as beat up as Flora. 

"Thanks" I nod to the nurse who leaves hastily. 

"Hey, sorry to interrupt but I'm the owner of the car, Harry Styles" I come forward. Shutting the door quietly behind me. One of the officers flicks through the sheets in front of him with a nod. 

"Ah, Mr.Styles, before you can do your insurance claim and we can punish those responsible for the accident, we'd just like to ask you a few questions" The officer says. I swallow, Luke stares at me desperately, not saying a word. There's nothing I'd like more right now than a 14 hour nap and a coffee. 

"Did you give Mr.Hemmings permission to drive your car.." They ask, I flick my gaze over to him. Knowing that saying no will land him in a whole lot of trouble, which Flora wouldn't forgive me for. 

"Yeah, I said they could, while I was away" I cover smoothly, poker face straight. 

"Are Mr.Hemmings and the female in question friends of yours?" They ask. I nod, racking my brains for what will let them off the hook completely. 

"Luke is my step brother, and Flora's my girlfriend" I say, Luke looks taken aback but both the police officers eyes are on me. 

"Were you aware Mr.Hemmings wasn't insured to be driving it?" The other officer asks. 

"He said he'd sorted the insurance, he's only 18, I don't think he realised what he was doing officer, I'll deal with him if it's all the same to you, there's no harm done" I say, inside I'm ready to ring Luke's neck. 

"Of course Mr.Styles, you do realise that the insurance for the car is void if this was done under your knowledge" I swallow, staring at Luke. 

"Yeah, yeah I'm aware of that" I say. 

"Sorry to waste your time" I shake both of their hands after signing the write off forms for the case.

"Shame about the car mate, I'd keep a better eye on your little brother in the future" One of them says. 

"Oh I will" I say, holding the door open, Luke leaps up and rushes out hastily, I follow him. He turns to me, his face a picture of horror, pale and scared. 

"Thank you so much" He says, barely a croak from the back of his throat, his hair flopping onto his forehead. 

"It was for Flora" I mutter, hands in my pockets to stop them from forming into fists, teeth gritted together, striding ahead of him to find my way back to her room. He scuffles after me. I open the door to find a doctor talking to Flora, her attention flicks to me, my heart melts a little as I look at the jagged stitches above her eyebrow, her face is sallow and she looks almost a green colour. 

"Hiya, Harry? I was just telling Flora that she's good to go, if she takes it easy. I've given her codeine to take until the pain is a little better, sadly there's nothing we can do for broken ribs, rest up, stay off your feet and you'll be fine. I've also booked an appointment to sort those stitches out" The white coat says to me, I nod in earnest. I watch, teeth gritted as he removes several needles from her hand. Luke stands quietly in the corner as the doctor leaves. 

"What happened?" She asks, her voice a little slurred from all the painkillers. 

"You're off the hook, at the expense of my insurance policy" I say gently, she squints back at me, as if she's processing what I said. 

"So the cars written off and you can't get anything back for it" She whispers in disbelief. 

"Yeah, in a nut shell" I mumble. 

"Baby, I'm so sorry" She whines, reaching out to pet my face clumsily. 

"It's fine, lets get you home" I say, picking up the pair of sweats and t-shirt of mine I bought her to go home in. I usher her into the bathroom attached to the side of the room, leaving me and Luke alone again. I sit back down on the bed, toeing the floor with my scuffed boot. 

"You can stay with us until your arm is okay to drive home" I say, looking to the Australian boy, his head snaps up. 

"Really.. only if you're sure.. I mean, I could like, uh catch the train" He says, picking at his ripped knee jeans nervously. I don't say anything instead waiting for Flora to emerge from the bathroom. 

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