Let's Run Away (2p Germany)

Start from the beginning

You nodded. Before Lutz left, he gave you a quick peck on the lips.

You had done as he asked and was currently waiting in the passenger seat of the car. It had been about a half hour since Lutz and yourself parted ways. You gathered food and some supplies just in case one of you got hurt.  Seeing a pocket knife in the drawer, you quickly grabbed that and stuffed it in the glove box of the car. 

More time passed and Lutz was nowhere to be seen. You were getting worried. 

What if the SS got him? You knew that they would kill anyone who was against Hitler. 

The car door slammed open and Lutz shuffled in. You sighed in relief. He shoved a revolver in the glove box and a pistol in his pocket. Then he handed one to you with a grin. "Here." 

"Where do I put it? I don't have pockets." You asked, looking at the gun. That wasn't the problem, you would gladly take it to defend yourself. You weren't some damsel. 

His grin widened. "Jou've got a bra. No one looks there. And if they do, I'll shoot 'em."

You blushed slightly and rolled your eyes. You shoved the gun in your bra. "Fine." 

"I hid all the weapons in the trunk under some blankets and camping gear. Jour my wife and ve're going camping." He explained and put the car into gear. The vehicle sped out of the garage. You mentally waved goodbye to your innocently perfect street and left it behind forever. 


The hardest part was over. You sucessfully passed the German officers at the border. All you had to do was flash them a smile and a wave. It went by smoothly. 

"Hey where are we going exactly?" You asked. 

Lutz smirked. "Ve're going to America. I bought the tickets. Ve are going to start a family." 

You blushed. 

"I-I mean if jou vant to that is...?" His face flushed and he mentally scolded himself. 

You nodded and smiled. "I'd like that very much."

. . .1945 

"Mama! Mama!" 

You hummed a little tune to yourself as you washed the dishes from your picnic just hours earlier. A young girl with blonde hair and (e/c) eyes smiled and ran up to you. "Hello (girl name)." You smiled and lifted her up in your arms. 

The five year old girl grinned and her little pigtails bounced. "Is what daddy said true? That you ran away together?! That's so awesome!"

You nodded and kissed her on the forehead. "Indeed. But it was dangerous." You 'booped' her nose and she giggled. 

You laughed with her. "I hope I find a prince charming like you did mommy!" (Girl name) smiled. "When will daddy be back?" She asked and cocked her haid to the side.

You fought back tears and sniffled. "I don't know. I'm hoping soon." Every day you stood at the kitchen sink, watching and waiting. Waiting for the military car to drive up and deliver the bad news. Every day you prayed and hoped he was alright. 

About a week after you arrived in America, they drafted him into the war. He was shipped overseas to Italy. 

The little girl looked concerned. "Don't cry mama! Daddy will be back soon! You said it yourself." 

You hugged her. "No matter what happens, just remember that mommy and daddy love you very much." 

"Silly mommy! I already knew that!" She laughed. 

You heard a loud knock on the door and froze. Could it be him? You thought. You put little (girl name) down and went to answer the door. "Hello?"

It was a paper boy. He held out the new addition of the paper to you with a large smile. "Look miss! It's all over! We won! The Allies won!" 

You took the paper and cried out of joy. It was finally over. You looked out your tiny apartment window and saw people were rejocing in the streets with their loved ones. Among the crowd were sildiers. You held on to (girl name)'s hand and ran outside. 

Scanning the streets, you were searching for Lutz. 

Two arms wrapped around you and pulled you in for the best kiss of your life. 

"Daddy! You're home!" 



So this is what happens when we talk about WWII in class huh?

*shrugs* not bad. 





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