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Swabs of green.

And cornstalks. Thick, swaying cornstalks, whispering in the wind.

They smacked and they brushed. They smacked and they brushed. Audrey could taste blood.

Her body was not hers—not hers to control. The sky was so black now, but where was the moon? Where did she go?

Audrey's breathing quickened. She struggled to move, to budge, to break free. A laugh emanated from somewhere nearby.

The wind was picking up now. Audrey could hear its howl, the stalks about her were under the spell, shaking and dancing like pantomimes. She could feel the icy bite of it on her skin. Every square inch of her skin. She was no longer hot—the heat was gone. And that's when she realized that she was naked.

She was dragging along the ground, something tugging her by the hair. Her neck was sore and her bare bottom torn by the rough choppy ground. But she was naked, completely naked. She hadn't been before. Or had she?

"Leggg oooo 'a me!" she screamed, blood still in her mouth.

Again, there was a laugh. It was followed shortly by a voice, a voice that Audrey knew very well.

"Relax, friend."

Audrey felt her muscles tighten. Last she had heard that voice it had been flat and dead. But now there was brazenness to it, a newfound confidence. He didn't care about her at all. Wherever he was taking her, whatever he wanted—he was hell-bent on getting it.

"Legg ooo 'a me, Barkly!" She snapped her neck this way and that, only adding to the sharp pain in her upper spine.

The voice came loud and clear. She had heard it before, many times. It wasn't Barkly's voice; it was the voice that should have come from within. It was the voice that was both Audrey's and not—the voice that rang about her inner ears like the most trusted of confidantes. The monologue of her deepest wants and needs.

Except this time, when the voice came, it was not from within. It came together, an infinite series of pitches articulated to form human words. It was alien and unreal—and it made no effort to hide it.

End Him

Audrey was no longer smacked with cornstalks. She was no longer iced by the wind cutting through the field. The evergreens formed a canopy above and the night sky was gone. Just the black.

End Him

Audrey caught glimpse of the moon. She was like a slice of orange, shimmering through thin spaces like sunlight through rafters. Audrey smiled. She was beautiful, always had been, always would be. All the pain in this life, and yet so much beauty. Never again, would Audrey take her for granted.


End Her

Barkly threw Audrey Jennings against a large stump. She was becoming an increasing problem, and he didn't want to have to knock her out again. This time, when she went still, she wasn't going to wake up.

Audrey lunged forward, but Barkly was against her quicker than light. She had a whipcord strength—quite impressive for a bitchy slut. Still, she was no match. Barkly slammed her head back against the bark.

End Her

Barkly was laughing."Don't play with me, okay? Don't, don't, don't, don't. Do not, play, with me. Okaay?" Audrey spat in his face. It was a stringy kind. Barkly slipped a finger on his cheek, catching the saliva and bringing it to his mouth. Smiling, he sucked it dry. It was sweet. But this was just an appetizer.

Barkly could feel Audrey's hateful eyes scanning his transformed physique. She wanted him, he was sure. There was no way she couldn't. She could fight and protest all she wanted, but on the animal level, she would not resist.

"You like that, don't you," he whispered, slipping his underwear to the ground. His other hand pinned her to the stump by the neck. "You're gonna like this even more."

Time is waning. End Her

He could feel his flaccid penis taking form. Audrey thrashed violently, kicking her legs. Barkly grabbed her with his other arm. In an instant, she was ripped around, her nude ass facing his pelvis. Her feet still thrashed violently, trying, no doubt, to hit Barkly squarely in the groin. What a wild one she was—what a wild way to get his first.

Barkly climbed over her. He pressed his legs against her flailing thighs. He wrung her by the neck with his left hand. She coughed as his grip tightened. "Don't choke," he chided. "Not yet, not yet; I want you awake for this one."

Audrey was groaning, and then she was crying. Barkly wanted to taste those salty discharges, to revel in the pain of this wretched girl, but he knew that he couldn't. It was the other discharge that interested him now. He guided his body into place, looking downward, finding the soft slit, just as he had seen many times before in the videos.

"It's okaay," he whispered to her tears. "You're gonna love this. I've never lied."


The clearing gave way.

There were clusters of mushrooms and tree stumps and thick grass; and deer, dead deer, all over the ground. Nothing but furry, shrunken mounds of bone and flesh. No organs, no blood.

Off to the side, there was a stump larger than most. And by that stump, there was a girl, the girl that Tyler knew and loved. A thin male, rippling with muscles, churned against her.

Tyler was running. 

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